Page 247 - Christie's London May 14, 2019 Chinese Works of Art
P. 247
A RARE REVERSE-DECORATED BLUE AND WHITE 'FISH POND' The design, technique and form of this bowl takes its inspiration from Yuan
BOWL and early Ming dynasty blue and white porcelain. The technique of using
YONGZHENG SIX-CHARACTER MARK IN UNDERGLAZE BLUE raised, slip-decorated designs in white against a dark blue ground was
developed in the Yuan dynasty and gained popularity in the Xuande period
The bowl is decorated in white slip to the exterior with four fsh swimming where it was used with greater frequency on a variety of vessel forms.
amongst water weeds and lotus plants, with the scales of the fsh and veins
of the plants fnely incised, all above a double line border. The decoration is all A similar Yongzheng-marked bowl and cover of this design from the
reserved against a rich, dark blue ground. collection of George de Menasce, was included in the exhibition Arts of
6⅞ in. (17.1 cm.) diam.
the Ch'ing Dynasty, T.O.C.S., vol. 35, 1963-64, pl. 46, no. 116. A similar
£80,000-120,000 US$110,000-160,000 Yongzheng-marked bowl, but without the cover, from the Grandidier
€93,000-140,000 Collection, and now in the Musée Guimet, Paris, is illustrated in Oriental
Ceramics, The World's Great Collections, vol. 7, Tokyo, 1981, no. 166. A
comparable bowl is illustrated in the exhibition catalogue Qing Imperial
清雍正 青花藍地荷塘魚藻紋碗 雙圈六字楷書款 Porcelain of the Kangxi, Yongzheng and Qianlong Reigns, Nanjing Museum
and the Art Gallery, Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, 1995,
gifted by the B.Y.Lam Foundation, no.46. A Yongzheng-marked bowl and
cover of this form, but completely covered on the exterior in underglaze blue
and lacking the white-slip decoration, was sold in our London rooms, 18
June 2002, lot 69. A comparable bowl and cover with slip decoration sold at
Christie's New York on 13-14 September 2012, lot 1466.