Page 12 - Imperial Jade Paris June 22, 2017
P. 12
CERVIDÉ EN JADE CÉLADON PÂLE To the Chinese, the deer is a much beloved creature,
DYNASTIE QING, XVIIIE SIÈCLE associated with immortals and good fortune. In ancient China
deer were regarded as ‘immortal creatures’, believed to have a
couché, les pattes repliées sous le corps, la tête tournée vers lifespan of ve thousand years. They were believed to inhabit
l’arrière, tenant dans sa gueule une tige feuillagée chargée de the abodes of immortals and gods. They served as mounts
deux pêches posées sur son dos et accostées d’une chauve- for the god of longevity, Shoulao, and were companions
souris en vol, la tête surmontée d’un double lingzhi, le pelage of Magu, the goddess of immortality, often serving as her
incisé de petites étoiles, socle en bois inscrusté d’argent (2) draught animal. It was also believed that deer could detect the
12,5 cm, 4⅞ in. mushroom of immortality lingzhi. These associations further
added to deer being rmly linked to immortality.
A pale celadon jade deer group, Qing Dynasty,
18th century The word for deer in Chinese, lu, is also a homophone for the
word for emoluments, the salary an o cial received. As such
8 000-12 000 € the deer also came to represent o cial position and wealth,
68 000-102 000 HK$ 8 800-13 100 US$ paintings of deer were gifted and displayed during celebrations
expressing the wish to attain a high position, wealth and
honour. The use of deer antlers to prolong life was recorded in
the Chinese medicinal classic, Shen Nong Ben Cao Jing, written
over 2000 years ago, and complied during the Qin and Han
dynasties. Deer antlers are believed to nourish the yin forces in
the body, aid kidney function, invigorate the spleen, strengthen
bones and muscles and promote blood ow. It is no wonder
then that the deer was chosen by the ancient Chinese as a
symbol of longevity.