Page 24 - Imperial Jade Paris June 22, 2017
P. 24
RARE ET GRANDE COUPE DE MARIAGE EN The present marriage bowl is sightly larger than other known
JADE VERT ÉPINARD examples. The design of the handles and the central ower
MARQUE ET ÉPOQUE QIANLONG is highly ornate. The intricately and deeply carved, almost
naturalistic ower sprays and blossoms may have been
de forme circulaire, les côtés arrondis sculptés en léger relief inspired by jades from Hindustan. Central Asian jade wares
de rinceaux feuillagés chargés de lotus, le bord anqué de deux were originally brought to the Qing court under the Qianlong
prises ajourées chacune en forme de eur de lotus épanouie emperor and were subsequently copied by Chinese craftsmen
dans leur feuillage soutenant des anneaux mobiles ronds, who adapted the new designs to their own repertoire. A Mughal
l’intérieur sculpté en haut relief au centre d’un médaillon green jade lobed bowl, carved with a similar oral motif, in
d’hibiscus parmi des feuillages, le bord et le pied soulignés the National Palace Museum, Taipei, was included in the
d’une frise de grecques, la base incisée d’une marque à quatre Museum’s exhibition Exquisite Beauty. Islamic Jades, Taipei,
caractères Qianlong nian zhi 2012, cat. no. 62.
31 cm, 12¼ in.
Jade vessels of this type, often referred to as ‘marriage bowls’,
PROVENANCE were commonly presented on the occasion of a wedding,
Acquired in Paris, November 1969 and were thus carved with a variety of motifs that allude to
(according to the collectors’ les). felicitous wishes for a long and happy marriage life. They are
characterised by their elaborately carved handles, which were
A large well-carved spinach-green jade marriage bowl, carved into various forms such as dragons and owers, and
incised four-character Qianlong mark and of the period appeared like two butter ies anking the bowl when viewed
from above.
100 000-150 000 €
850 000-1 280 000 HK$ 109 000-164 000 US$ Compare a large spinach-green jade marriage bowl, similarly
carved on the exterior with a lotus scroll, sold at Christie’s
1969 11 Hong Kong, 27th May 2009, lot 1839; and a smaller bowl, in the
De An Tang Collection, included in the exhibition A Romance
with Jade, Beijing, 2004, cat. no. 18. For other examples,
compare one in the Palace Museum, Beijing, illustrated in The
Complete Collection of Chinese Jades, vol. 6, Shijiazhuang,
1993, pl. 317.
2009 5 27 1839
2004 18
1993 317