Page 36 - Imperial Jade Paris June 22, 2017
P. 36


IMPORTANT RINCE PINCEAUX EN JADE                                 The rounded, slightly incurved sides of this impressive vessel
CÉLADON PÂLE                                                     suggest a use as a water pot or a brush washer. The shape of
DYNASTIE QING, ÉPOQUE QIANLONG                                   the original jade boulder from which this impressive washer
                                                                 was carved may have in uenced the shape of the object
sculpté en forme d’une grande pêche évidée, le pourtour          into which it was carved. In this case, it has taken the form
enveloppé de branchages feuillagés chargés de eurs et de         of a rather large peach, a fruit laden with symbolism as it
pêches, le bord visité de deux petites chauves-souris aux ailes  represents longevity and happiness. Additional auspicious
déployées, la belle pierre d’une couleur uniforme au doux poli   creatures are incorporated into the design: Bats in ight are
19,2 cm, 7½ in.                                                  hovering on the exterior of the washer, ying amidst branches
                                                                 heavily laden with more if smaller peaches, representing
PROVENANCE                                                       additional happiness or blessings. The Chinese word for bat is
                                                                 fu, a homophone for ‘happiness’.
Christie’s London, 21st March 1966, lot 124.

A well-carved pale celadon jade washer in the form of a          Compare with two very similar, yet smaller jade peach-shaped
large peach, Qing Dynasty, Qianlong period                       bowls from the Hartman Collection, illustrated in Robert
                                                                 Kleiner, Chinese Jades from the Collection of Alan and Simone
30 000-50 000 €                                                  Hartman, Hong Kong, 1996, no. 92 and 93. Kleiner notes that
255 000-424 000 HK$ 32 700-54 500 US$                            these washers had a ‘massive sculptural quality’, a feature that
                                                                 the present jade washer also shares, see Robert Kleiner, ibid.,
                                                                 p. 110.

    1966 3 21  124

                                                                 Robert Kleiner Chinese Jades from the Collection of Alan

                                                                 and Simone Hartman  1996  92 93


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