Page 102 - Sotheby's Arcadian beauty Song Pottery Oct. 3, 2018
P. 102

fig. 3
           Sakamoto Gorō and Edward T. Chow at Chateau-Banquet in Geneva, circa 1970s

           Sakamoto Gorō (1923-2016) was a celebrated dealer whose   “The Northern Song is famed as an age […] of magnificent
           career in the Asian art world spanned almost 70 years. A   painting and calligraphy, of matchless ceramics […] The
           series of sales from his personal collection – ranging from   scholar-official elite […] patronized the craftsmen who
           lacquer and porcelain to stone sculpture and Buddhist   made, to their tastes, the ceramics and all the beautiful
           bronzes - have been offered in our rooms over the years and   objects they collected, treasured, and used in their daily
           the successes warrant the fact that his collection remains   lives.” 1
           one of the most coveted provenances for a piece of Chinese
                                                         If Frederick W. Mote’s insight provides a peephole into the
           art. The Clark Ding Basin, which holds the third highest price
                                                         new high culture of the Northern Song, the current ‘bubble’
           for Song ceramics sold at auction (after the two Ru guanyao
                                                         bowl, with its unparalleled spectacular sheen and illustrious
           washers sold in these rooms in 2012 and 2017 respectively)
                                                         provenance, must serve as a tangible window into a renaissant
           also came from the collection of Sakamoto Gorō.
                                                         aesthetic that was marked by modesty and naturalism -
                                                         hitherto avant-garde - but has evidently stood the test of time.

           1   Frederick W. Mote, Imperial China 900-1800, Cambridge, 1999, reprint, Cambridge,
           2015, p. 151.

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