Page 130 - Sotheby's Arcadian beauty Song Pottery Oct. 3, 2018
P. 130


                                                         宋   磁州窰白地褐彩蘆葦羅漢盌

           A RARE CIZHOU WHITE-                          來源:
           GROUND PAINTED BOWL                           香港蘇富比1991年10月29日,編號12
           SONG DYNASTY

           potted with a deep U-shaped body supported on a short
           splayed foot and gently tapering inwards at the mouth, the
           exterior freely painted in dark brown on an ivory-white slip
           with undulating reeds extending across the vessel, all veiled
           under a clear glaze
           w. 11.5 cm, 4½ in.

           Sotheby’s Hong Kong, 29th October 1991, lot 12.
           Sotheby’s New York, 23rd March 2011, lot 523.
           HK$ 500,000-700,000
           US$ 64,000-89,500

           Freely painted with an attractive design of undulating reeds,
           this cup is characteristic of wares produced at the Cizhou
           type kilns in Ci county, Hebei province. A layer of white slip
           was applied over the body, which was then painted with dark
           brown pigments in rapid brushstrokes before being enhanced
           by a coat of clear glaze. Such vividly contrasting brown-and-
           white design is reminiscent of calligraphy and ink paintings
           and thus vessels such as the present would have been highly
           sought after by the literati during the Song dynasty (960-
           Bowls of this type are known in a variety of sizes, proportions
           and designs; for one of related form, compare a larger
           bowl painted with floral scrolls, with a fitted cover, from the
           collection of Madame Paul Pechère, included in the Oriental
           Ceramic Society exhibition The Arts of The Sung Dynasty,
           London, 1960, cat. no. 93; and another painted with peony leaf
           sprays, attributed to the Jin dynasty, from the Avery Brundage
           collection and now preserved in the Asian Art Museum of
           San Francisco, San Francisco, exhibited in Freedom of Clay
           and Brush through Seven Centuries in Northern China: Tz’u-
           chou Type Wares, 960-1600 A.D., Indianapolis Museum
           of Art, Indianapolis, 1980, cat. no. 66. See also two small
           jars rendered in this painterly style, but of ovoid form and
           decorated with three large floral sprays, sold in these rooms,
           the first from the T.Y. Chao collection, sold 18th November
           1986, lot 18, and the other, 5th April 2017, lot 3201.

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