Page 30 - Sotheby's Arcadian beauty Song Pottery Oct. 3, 2018
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With its elegant form and unctuous glaze, the   此盌器形雅致,釉色潤若凝脂,為南宋盛時文人
           present bowl is a fine example of the high-  所追求素雅不豔,含蓄實華之典範。自十二世
           Song taste for pure colour and understated   紀末,龍泉釉色由粉青漸趨碧綠,更見其醇厚
           refinement. Towards the end of the 12th century,   瑩潤。本盌施釉,循南宋官窰之疊層罩釉,故釉
           the traditional lime glaze was replaced by a lime-
           alkali glaze, creating a higher viscosity and softer
           gloss. Multiple layers of glaze were often applied
           to capture a jade-like effect; a technique that was
           probably adopted from the Guan wares of the
           period. The glaze of the present bowl is a thick
           lustrous bluish green, often referred to as the
           kinuta glaze by the Japanese who were especially
           fond of these wares which were considered   韓國新安沉船亦有出水一例,刊於《新安海底文
           masterpieces of the Longquan potter.  物》,韓國國立中央博物館,首爾,1977年,
           A slightly smaller bowl of this type, excavated
           in 1974 at Quzhou, Zhejiang province, from the
                                                《Illustrated Catalogue of Celadon Wares
           tomb of Shi Shengzu and his wife, dated to the
           10th year of Xianchun (corresponding to 1274),   in the Percival David Foundation of Chinese
           is published in Dated Ceramics of the Song,   Art》,倫敦,1997年,修訂版,圖版252。有
           Liao and Jin Periods, Beijing, 2004, pl. 6-19; and   一曾入 Cunliffe 勛爵收藏,曾展於《Heaven
           another, recovered from the Sinan ship wreck off   and Earth Seen Within. Song Ceramics from
           the coast of Korea, was included in the Special   the Robert Barron Collection》,新奧爾良博
           Exhibition of Cultural Relics Found off the Sinan   物館,新奧爾良,2000年,編號59。另一曾展
           Coast, National Museum of Korea, Seoul, 1977,
                                                於《Song Dynasty Ceramics: The Ronald W.
           cat. no. 8. Further examples, all of slightly smaller
                                                Longsdorf Collection》,J.J. Lally & Co.,紐
           size, include one from the collection of Sir
                                                約,2013年,編號10。亦有一盌曾入 Thomas
           Percival David and now in the British Museum,
                                                Barlow Walker 收藏,兩度售於紐約蘇富比,先
           London, published in Illustrated Catalogue of
           Celadon Wares in the Percival David Foundation
           of Chinese Art, London, 1997, Revised Ed., pl.   23/24日,編號321。還有一相類盌例,其束口
           252; one, previously from the Lord Cunliffe   處較闊,載於《東京国立博物館圖版目錄.中國
           collection, included in the exhibition Heaven   陶磁篇》,東京,1988年,圖版461。
           and Earth Seen Within. Song Ceramics from the
           Robert Barron Collection, New Orleans Museum   此盌口沿下略束,圈足稍矮,其器形應受建窰黑
           of Art, New Orleans, 2000, cat. no. 59; another   釉茶盞之啟發。參見一褐斑盌,現藏台北故宮博
           was exhibited in Song Dynasty Ceramics: The   物院,錄於該館展覽《芳茗遠播.亞洲茶文化
           Ronald W. Longsdorf Collection, J.J. Lally & Co.,   展》,台北,2015年,編號I-14。
           New York, 2013, cat. no. 10; and a fourth bowl,
           from the Thomas Barlow Walker collection,
           was sold twice in our New York rooms, 26th
           September 1972, lot 682, and 23rd/24th May
           1974, lot 321. See also another bowl, but with
           a broader groove, published in the Illustrated
           Catalogues of Tokyo National Museum. Chinese
           Ceramics, Tokyo, 1988, pl. 461.
           The form of this bowl, with its gently grooved rim
           and short foot, may have been inspired by black
           Jian wares which were popular vessels in tea
           ceremonies; for example see a brown-splashed
           bowl in the National Palace Museum, Taipei,
           included in the Museum’s exhibition The Far-
           Reaching Fragrance of Tea. The Art and Culture
           of Tea in Asia, Taipei, 2015, cat. no. I-14.

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