Page 106 - Bonhams Passkon and Philanthropy MET Mjuseum March 2024 Asia Week
P. 106

Fig. 1 William Bradhurst Osgood Field.

           William Bradhurst Osgood Field (1870-1949)

           William Bradhurst Osgood Field (1870-1949) (Fig. 1) though born in   at Columbia University in biology and zoology. Among his various
           Geneva, Switzerland, hailed from a prominent New York family and   professional roles, he was in the corps of engineers at the New York
           over the course of his life became known for his extensive collection,   Central and Hudson River Railroad and was the Vice President of
           philanthropy, participation in corporate and social organizations in   M. W. Kellogg Company. He was a member of numerous corporate,
           New York, and his homes at 645 Fifth Avenue in Manhattan, High   social, and charitable boards, including the Grolier Club, which he
           Lawn in Lenox, Massachusetts, and Westfield in Mohegan Lake,    joined in 1904 and served as President from 1925 to 1928. In 1902,
           New York.                                         Field married heiress and philanthropist, Lila Vanderbilt Sloane Field
                                                             (1878-1934) (Fig. 2), daughter of William Douglas Sloane & Emily Thorn
           He was the son of William Hazard Field and Augusta Currie Bradhurst   Vanderbilt, who as a wedding gift bought them one of the Marble Twin
           Field, and the nephew of Osgood Field, a well-known society figure in   buildings at 645 Fifth Avenue. She also received from her own parents
           London and Rome. As a student at Stevens Institute of Technology,   Highlawn, a huge Lenox estate. She was a great-granddaughter of
           he studied mechanical engineering, and subsequently took courses   the renowned railroad and shipping magnate Cornelius Vanderbilt

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