Page 133 - Bonhams Passkon and Philanthropy MET Mjuseum March 2024 Asia Week
P. 133

67  ¤                                             For other Langyao vases of similar size and form (with necks), see
           A COPPER-RED-GLAZED LANGYAO-TYPE BALUSTER VASE    Wang Qingzheng (ed.) Kangxi Porcelain Ware from the Shanghai
           Kangxi                                            Museum Collection, Shanghai, 1998, p.325, no.209; Laure Schwartz-
           The high-shouldered ovoid body covered with a rich strawberry   Arenales (ed.), Mille Ans De Monochromes, Vaiselle sacree et profane
           copper-red glaze thinning to celadon-white at the slightly spreading   des empereurs de Chine (A Millennium of Monochromes From
           recessed foot, the neck cut-down.                 the Great Tang to the High Qing, The Baur and the Zhuyuetang
           10in (25.4cm) high, wood cover                    Collections, Fondation Baur, Musee Des Arts D’Extreme-Orient,
                                                             Geneva, 2019, p.288, no.132; and the Illustrated Catalogue of Ming
           $1,200 - 1,800                                    and Qing Monochrome Wares in the Percival David Foundation of
                                                             Chinese Art, Section 6, revised edition, London, 1989, pl.V, A507.
           清康熙 郎窯紅釉瓶
                                                             See Virginia Bower, Josephine Hadley Knapp, Stephen Little and
           Please note this Lot is to be sold at No Reserve. 本拍品不設底價  Robert Wilson Torchia, Decorative Arts, Part II, Far Eastern Ceramics
                                                             and Paintings, National Gallery of Art, Washington, 1998, for another
           Provenance:                                       Langyao type meiping (with repaired neck), p. 56, no. 1972-43.30
           Mr. and Mrs. Isaac D. Fletcher Collection, Bequest of Isaac D. Fletcher,   (C-585).
           The Metropolitan Museum of Art, 1917-present
           Isaac D. Fletcher 伉儷舊藏,由 Isaac D. Fletcher 於 1917 年遺贈
           大都會藝術博物館,1917 年迄今

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