Page 5 - 2019 September 11th Sotheby's Important Chinese Art
P. 5



                         AUCTION IN NEW YORK
                         11 SEPTEMBER 2019
                         SALE N10113

                         SESSION ONE: 10:30 AM
                         IMMEDIATELY FOLLOWING
                         A NOBLE PURSUIT: IMPORTANT
                         CHINESE AND KOREAN ART FROM A
                         JAPANESE PRIVATE COLLECTION

                         SESSION TWO: 2:00 PM

                         ALL EXHIBITIONS FREE                     Important Notice No reference is made to the condition of lots in
                         AND OPEN TO THE PUBLIC                   the  catalogue.  Anyone  wishing information on  any  of  the property
                         Friday 6 September                       included in this catalogue may write or call the Chinese Works of
                         10 am-5 pm                               Art Department at +1 212 606 7332. Notwithstanding any condition
                                                                  reports or catalogue descriptions provided, all lots are offered and
                         Saturday 7 September                     sold “AS IS” in accordance with paragraph 1 of the Conditions of Sale.
                         10 am-5 pm
                         Sunday 8 September                       重要提示     本圖錄概無提述購買項目的品相。任何人士如欲查
                         10 am-5 pm                               詢本圖錄所屬任何產物的資料,可致函或致電中國工藝品部
                         Monday 9 September                       (Chinese Works of Art Department), 電話爲+1 212 606 7332。
                         10 am-5 pm                               儘管已提供任何品相報告或已在圖錄中加以說明
                         Tuesday 10 September
                         10 am-5 pm
                         1334 York Avenue
                         New York, NY 10021
                         +1 212 606 7000
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