Page 124 - Important Chinese Art, Sotheby's London May 15 2019
P. 124


           TWO VERY RARE GILT-COPPER        The deities represent two of the Eight Lords of   其中一尊或為瑪尼缽陀羅或贍巴拉,右手
           ALLOY FIGURES FROM A SET OF      the Horse, ashvapati, in the retinue of Vaishra-  高舉,手持帶火焰之寶物,左手抱一獴,
           EIGHT ASVAPATI, THE EQUESTRIAN   vana, the god of wealth and good fortune and   其口吐珍寶,贍巴拉身披華袍、配腰帶、
           RETINUE OF VAISHRAVANA           protector of Buddhist teachings. Each carries   高靴及寶冠,乘祥雲駿馬,馬亦蓋以華
           TIBET, 15TH CENTURY              a mongoose, Vaishravana’s principal attribute,   服,下承寶蓮座:另一尊或為散脂大將、
                                            symbolising prosperity and generosity. Vaish-
           one equestrian deity, possibly Manibhadra or   ravana retinue deities are generally perceived   阿吒薄俱或俱毗羅,右手高舉一器,或為
           Jambhala, holding a flaming jewel in his raised   as equestrian warrior lords riding through cloud
           right hand, and a mongoose in the left spitting   filled skies, indicated here by the clouds be-  嘴吐珍寶,贍巴拉身披華袍、腰帶、靴及
           gems and auspicious emblems, wearing regal   neath the horses’ hooves: for a fifteenth century   寶冠,護胸甲飾獸面紋,肩飾瑞獅紋,乘
           belted robes, boots and crown, and seated   Tibetan thangka of Vaishravana and retinue set   祥雲駿馬,身披馬衣,下亦承寶蓮座。
           astride a caparisoned cloud-borne horse on   entirely against a background of sky and clouds,   此兩尊造像乃八駿財神其中二尊,八駿
           a lotus pedestal: the pair, possibly depicting   see Steven Kossak and Jane Casey Singer,
           Samjneya, Atavaka or Kubera, with his right   Sacred Visions, New York, 1998, p. 186, cat. no.   財神為財寶天王之侍從。財寶天王造型
           hand raised to hold a now missing sword or   53: see also iconographic depictions from the   多手抱獴,象徵財富豐盛及慷慨施予,
           lance, a mongoose in the left hand spitting   Mongolian kanjur in Lokesh Chandra, Buddhist   其侍從多則為騎馬之將軍造型,乘祥雲
           gems and auspicious emblems, wearing robes,   Iconography, Delhi, 1991, p. 128-31, pls. 214-23:   馳騁空中,見本品兩尊馬足下均有祥雲
           boots and crown and a breastplate bearing   and Jeff Watt,, set 3386.  便可窺見一二:較另一例十五世紀西藏
           a kirtimukha mask, with lion masks at the   Another from this set of finely cast and gilded   財寶天王唐卡,背景為天空及祥雲,見
           shoulders, and seated astride a caparisoned   equestrian figures, depicting Purnabhadra   Steven Kossak及Jane Casey Singer,《Sacred
           cloud-borne horse on a lotus pedestal  and now in the Philadelphia Museum of Art,   Visions》,紐約,1998年,頁186,編號
           Himalayan Art Resources item nos. 13672 and   is published in Heather Stoddard (Karmay),   53;再一例,見於蒙古甘珠爾經,載於
           13673.                           Early Sino-Tibetan Art, Warminster, 1975, p.   Lokesh Chandra,《Buddhist Iconography》
           (2)                              96, pl. 68. Stoddard included the bronze in her   ,新德里,1991年,頁128-31,圖版214-
           the taller 20.4 cm, 8 in.        seminal work to illustrate the influence of the
                                            early Ming in later fifteenth century Tibetan   23;以及Jeff Watt,,
           PROVENANCE                       sculpture, ibid, p. 95. Compare the style of the   編號3386。
           Acquired from Philip Goldman, Gallery 43,   lotus petals on the pedestal, the predominance   另較一例,出自同組鎏金銅八駿財神,鑄
           London, 9th April 1968.          of turquoise for the inset jewellery, the style of   工精美絕倫,刻劃富那跋陀,現於私人收
                                            engraved textile designs and the bearing of the
           £ 150,000-250,000                animal mount in the Rietberg museum’s Tibetan   藏,載於Heather Stoddard (Karmay),《Early
           HK$ 1,540,000-2,570,000          fifteenth century gilt copper Guhyamanjuvajra   Sino-Tibetan Art》,沃明斯特,1975年,
           US$ 197,000-328,000              riding a snow lion, see Helmut Uhlig, On the Path   頁96,圖版68。此乃Stoddard之重要著
                                            to Enlightenment, Zurich, 1995, p. 170, cat. no.   作,作者以該富那跋陀像展示明朝早期造
           西藏 十五世紀   鎏金銅八駿財                 113: and compare the lotus pedestal, turquoise   像對十五世紀後期西藏造像之深遠影響,
           神一組兩尊                            jewellery and sculptural finesse of a Tibetan   前述出處,頁95。比較里特貝格博物館收
                                            fifteenth century gilt copper Vajrabhairava in   藏一尊密集文殊金剛騎雪獅像,蓮座花
                                            the Potala, Lhasa, see Ulrich von Schroeder,
           來源                                                                 瓣、崁寶均以綠松石為主、刻織錦紋飾等
           於1968年4月9日購自Philip               Buddhist Bronzes in Tibet, Hong Kong, 2001,    可與本品比較,參考Helmut Uhlig,《On
                                            Vol II, p. 1051, pl. 265C.
           Goldman,Gallery 43,倫敦                                              the Path to Enlightenment》,蘇黎世,1995
                                                                              相較,見Ulrich von Schroeder,《Buddhist
                                                                              Bronzes in Tibet》,香港,2001年,卷II,
                                                                              頁1051,圖版265C 。

           122     Buyers are liable to pay both the hammer price (as estimated above) and the buyer’s premium together with any applicable taxes and Artist’s Resale Right (which will depend on the individual circumstanc-
                   es). Refer to the Buying at Auction and VAT sections at the back of this catalogue for further information.
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