Page 14 - Important Chinese Art, Sotheby's London May 15 2019
P. 14


           PROPERTY FROM THE RUI XIU LOU COLLECTION  and Partridge Feathers, Harvard University Art Museums,
                                                     Cambridge, 1995, pp 260-262, who notes that it is likely
           SOUTHERN SONG DYNASTY                     that a leaf was adhered to the vessel before being immersed
                                                     into the glaze mix. During firing, the natural chemical
           the steeply flaring conical sides rising from a concave base,   composition of the leaf would react with the glaze, rendering
           decorated to the interior with a buff-coloured leaf reserved   it transparent. It is worth noting that while during firing, the
           against a rich dark brown glaze thinning to brown at the rim,   edges of the leaf would often burn and curl, the perfectly
           stopping at the unglazed foot             articulated pattern on this bowl makes it a particularly
           15 cm, 5⅞ in.                             successful example.
           ‡ £ 15,000-20,000                         A bowl of this type from the Ataka collection, Osaka is illus-
           HK$ 154,000-206,000   US$ 19,700-26,200     trated in Sekai tōji zenshū/ Ceramic Art of the World, Tokyo,
                                                     1977, vol. 12, pls 107 and 108; another from the Hirota collec-
           南宋   吉州窰剪紙貼花葉紋盌                           tion now in the Tokyo National Museum, is published in the
                                                     Illustrated Catalogues of Tokyo National Museum: Chinese
                                                     Ceramics I, Tokyo, 1988, pl. 668; a third bowl in the Museum
           Bowls with this enchanting pattern of a golden leaf, its jagged   of Oriental Ceramics, Osaka was included in the exhibition
           contours and fine web of veins providing a striking contrast   Chinese Ceramics, Tokyo National Museum, Tokyo, 1994,
           to the black glaze, were among the most sought-after   cat. no. 210, together with one with the leaf in the centre, cat.
           products of the Jizhou kilns in Jiangxi province. The method   no. 212; and a further example with the leaf in the centre in
           of producing this pattern is discussed by Robert D. Mowry   the Palace Museum, Beijing, is illustrated in The Complete
           in the catalogue to the exhibition Hare’s Fur, Tortoiseshell,   Collection of Treasures of the Palace Museum. Porcelain of
                                                     the Song Dynasty (II), Hong Kong, 1996, pl. 240.


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