Page 58 - Sotheby's Chinese Jades Hong Kong June 1, 2017
P. 58
A CELADON-WHITE AND BROWN JADE 清十八至十九世紀 青白玉巧作福壽雙桃擺件
QING DYNASTY, 18TH – 19TH CENTURY 相類之福壽紋玉雕,可參考一例,見於 Robert Kleiner,
《Chinese Jades from the Collection of Alan and
carved in the form of two large ripening fruits attached to a Simone Hartman》,香港,1996年,圖版205。另可
leafy gnarled stalk, the stem and leaves naturalistically worked 見一例,展於《伍夫爵士收藏中國玉器》,倫敦蘇富
from a russet-brown section of the stone, the stone of even 比,2013年,編號81。敏求精舍展覽也曾見一例,收入
celadon-white color with further russet highlights 《中國玉雕》,香港藝術館,香港,1983年,編號195
12.7 cm, 5 in. 。還可參考雙桃玉雕,一例售於香港蘇富比1983年5月12
HK$ 200,000-300,000 號90,Plesh 舊藏且有一例,售於倫敦佳士得2009年11月
US$ 25,800-38,700 3日,編號168。
Similar carvings of this auspicious motif include one illustrated
in Robert Kleiner, Chinese Jades from the Collection of Alan
and Simone Hartman, Hong Kong, 1996, pl. 205; another
included in the exhibition The Woolf Collection of Chinese Jade,
Sotheby’s, London, 2013, cat. no. 81; and a third included in
the Min Chiu Society exhibition Chinese Jade Carving, Hong
Kong Museum of Art, Hong Kong, 1983, cat. no. 195. See also
a double-peach carving sold in these rooms, 12th May 1983,
lot 284; another sold in our New York rooms, 19th March 1997,
lot 90; and a further example from the Plesh collection, sold at
Christie’s London, 3rd November 2009, lot 168.
Rubbing 拓本
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