Page 60 - Bonhams,Important Asian Art, Sydney AU, April 22 2021
P. 60
AN UNGLAZED CERAMIC SCULPTURAL GROUP OF GUANYIN In addition, the various fine details such as the creatures in the pond,
AND TWO CHILDREN the bamboo leaves, fine fingers of the figures, and the texture of the
Late Qing dynasty gowns, all posed tremendous challenges during the sculpting as well
stand, 20.9cm high as the firing processes.
$6,000 - 8,000 Compare an sculpture group of similar size and subject, see Poly,
Provenance: Spring Auctions, 2008, Beijing, 31 May 2008, lot 2376
Private collection, Melbourne
晚清 反瓷童子拜觀音擺件並座
Unglazed and high-fired ceramic such as the current lot is called fanci
(reversed ceramics), shengci (raw ceramics), or suci (plain ceramics) 傳承:
in Chinese. Mainly produced in Jingdezheng during the Daoguang 墨爾本私人收藏
and Guangxu reigns, unglazed ceramics with high-relief or carved
patterns were made into scholar's objects of relatively small sizes. One 不施釉即入窑高温烧 成的瓷器,被称为 "反瓷",亦 "生瓷"或"素瓷",主要见
of larger sizes such as the current lot had to be a technique wonder. 于明清 景德镇窑,以光 朝制品 多见,器物有山石、船及文具等小件
塑成形乃至燒造,都是技術上極爲 難以成就,可謂巧奪天工。
比較一相似造型體積素材的圓雕反瓷,見保利,「2008春季拍 会:
文馨阁 集珍」,北京,2008年5月31日,拍品2376號