Page 126 - Christie's, Important Chinese Works of Art, Hong Kong Dec 3 2021
P. 126

         A DING-TYPE WHITE-GLAZED VASE,                    北宋 / 金   定窯系白釉玉壺春瓶
         YUHUCHUNPING                                      侈口,細長頸,垂腹,寬圈足。通體施化妝土,外罩透明釉,底足無釉。
         NORTHERN SONG-JIN DYNASTY (960-1234)              此器造型端莊典雅,為早期玉壺春瓶器形的代表。關於玉壺春瓶的用途,
         The vase is elegantly potted with a pear-shaped body standing on   學界素有花器和酒器的兩種說法。儘管目前無法以宋代的資料來證明,
         a low straight foot and rising to a flared mouth. The exterior is   但是以玉壺春瓶作為酒器的例子在元代墓葬壁畫中可以找到確鐅的證
         covered with a white glaze that continues to the interior, with the   據。與此同時,幾件傳世的汝窯及定窯玉壺春瓶亦可作為此式器物被當
         exception of the unglazed foot exposing the pale greyish-white   作陳設用瓷的例證。
         biscuit body.                                     山西襄汾曾出土一件近似的白釉玉壺春瓶,載於《中國出土瓷器全集》,
         8Õ/”ÿ in. (21.1 cm.) high, box                    卷 5,北京,2008 年,210 頁。香港關善明收藏有一件造型、比例與本
         HK$1,200,000-1,800,000        US$160,000-230,000  品相似的白釉玉壺春瓶 , 載於《關氏所藏宋代陶瓷》,香港,1994 年,
                                                           106 頁,被定為山西介休窯。亦可比較箱根美術館藏一例,著錄於《龍
         This vase is of an especially elegant yuhuchunping, pear-shaped vase   泉集芳》,第一集,東京,1976 年,211 頁,編號 637;另一件著錄於《The
         form. Some scholars have suggested that one of the uses for pear-  Herzman Collection of Chinese Ceramics》,紐約,1992 年,編號 25。另
         shaped vases was as a decanter for wine. Although as yet there is
         little corroborating evidence for this use in the Song period, Yuan   可參考幾件定窯玉壺春瓶,一為大英博物館藏品,見《Chinese Pottery
         dynasty burials and tomb murals suggest this may have been the   and Porcelain From Prehistory to the Present》,倫敦,1991 年圖版 66 號;
         case. Certainly the graceful proportions of the few extant Song   另一件頸部較長,劃蓮紋,為台北故宮博物院藏品,見《定窯白瓷圖
         dynasty Ding and Ru ware pear-shaped vases show that they were also   錄》,台北,1987年,圖版22號;及天津博物館藏一例,劃萱草紋,見《天
         eminently suitable to grace the tables of the refined Song elite.
                                                           津市藝術博物館藏瓷》,香港,1993 年,圖版 23 號。
         A related white-glazed yuhuchunping was excavated from Xiangfen,
         Shanxi province, illustrated in the Zhongguo chutu ciqi quanji (Complete
         Collection of Ceramic Art Unearthed in China), Beijing, 2008, vol. 5,
         p. 210. A similarly proportioned, white-glazed yuhuchunping is in the
         Simon Kwan Collection, illustrated in Song Ceramics from the Kwan
         Collection, Hong Kong Museum of Art, 1994, p. 106, no. 35. The Kwan
         vase has been attributed to Jiexiu ware in Shanxi province. A similar
         white ware pear-shaped vase with a slightly compressed body is in the
         Hakone Art Museum, Japan, illustrated in Mayuyama, Seventy Years,
         1976, vol. 1, no. 637. Another related pear-shaped vase with slightly
         longer neck is illustrated by S. Valenstein, The Herzman Collection of
         Chinese Ceramics, The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, 1992,
         no. 25.
         Compare also a few other examples identified as Ding ware, one in
         the collection of the British Museum, illustrated by S. Vainker, Chinese
         Pottery and Porcelain From Prehistory to the Present, British Museum
         Press, London, 1991, p. 89, no. 66; one with slightly longer neck and
         incised floral decoration in the collection of the National Palace
         Museum, Taipei, illustrated in Dingyao baici tezhen tulu, Taipei, 1987,
         no. 22; and another with incised floral decoration in the collection of
         the Tianjin Museum of Art, illustrated in Porcelains from the Tianjin
         Municipal Museum, Hong Kong, 1993, no. 23.

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