Page 168 - Christie's, Important Chinese Works of Art, Hong Kong Dec 3 2021
P. 168

2996 Continued

         It appears the present vase is a pair to a virtually identical vase sold   本拍品與紐約佳士得 2013 年 3 月 21-22 日拍賣,拍品編號 1423(圖一),
         at Christie’s New York, 21-22 March 2013, lot 1423 (fig. 1). Both vases   清乾隆御製涅白地套紅料拐子龍紋尊近似,應原為一對。兩瓶皆以涅白
         are decorated in the two glass-working techniques, which combines   地套紅料法製作,由乾隆時期宮廷造辦處精心製作。近似乾隆時期白地
         the extraordinary skills of the carver with the technical achievements
         forged in the Imperial glass workshop during the Qianlong period. A   套紅料作品,參見《虹影瑤輝 — 李景勳藏清代玻璃》,香港中文大學,
         related red-overlay glass vase from the Qianlong period is illustrated   2000 年,頁 280,圖 104。另有一件清乾隆御製涅白套三色料雙龍耳尊,
         in Elegance and Radiance: Grandeur in Qing Glass, the Andrew K.F.   由香港佳士得 2010 年 12 月 1 日,妙色瑩然 — 舒思深伉儷珍藏宮廷御
         Lee Collection, Hong Kong: Art Museum, the Chinese University of   製藝術珍品專場拍出,拍品編號 2929。此外亦可比較一件清乾隆涅白地
         Hong Kong, 2000, p. 280. pl. 104. A related Imperial four-colour glass
         hu-form vase from the Shorenstein Collection was sold at Christie’s   套紅料長頸小瓶,拍賣於香港佳士得2018年5月30日《浮生閑趣》專場,
         Hong Kong, 1 December 2010, lot 2929. Compare also to a related   拍品編號 2914。
         Imperial ruby-red overlay white glass bottle vase from the Qianlong
         period, sold at Christie’s Hong Kong, 30 May 2018, lot 2914.

                                                        fig. 1

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