Page 174 - Christie's, Important Chinese Works of Art, Hong Kong Dec 3 2021
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fig. 1  Collection of the Yiheyuan           fig. 2  Collection of the National Palace Museum
                            圖一  頤和園藏品                                     圖二  國立故宮博物院藏品

         2999 Continued

         The original rough boulder of the present brushwasher would have been   The imagery of dragons emerging out of clouds is a popular theme
         of considerably large size. It is interesting to note the artist's ability in   disseminated from Southern Song dynasty paintings traditionally
         working the natural irregular form of the boulder to convey an overall   attributed to the renowed artist Chen Rong (circa 1189-1259).
         ethereal theme of dragons emerging out of dense clouds, permitting a   Compare a handscroll painting attributed to Chen Rong depicting
         portrayal of inquisitive dragons resting their heads just above the mouth   a single dragon striding out of misty clouds, in the Palace Museum
         rim of the vessel. The interior is well hollowed whilst the thick sides are   collection, Beijing, illustrated in Zhongguo Huihua Quanji, Zhejiang
         carved in high relief on the exterior to provide the viewer with a sense   Renmin Meishu Chubanshe, vol. 4, 1999, p. 171, no. 132; and another
         of depth created by the multiple layers of clouds.   depicting nine dragons by the same artist in the Boston Museum of
                                                           Fine Art, illustrated, op. cit., pp. 166-9, nos. 127-130. The dragons on
         The unusual treatment of the whirlpool on the underside where it forms   the Boston handscroll are variously portrayed rising out of crested
         the base of the vessel appears on earlier jade carvings dating to the   waves, clambering on jagged rocks, half-submerged in clouds and in
         16th/17th century Ming dynasty period, such as the white jade mythical   pursuit of a pearl. All these attributes clearly provided the inspiration
         dragon-tortoise shaped water container, included in the exhibition, Arts   for later works of art, particularly in scholar's objects, such as present
         from the Scholars Studio, University of Hong Kong, 1986, p. 158, no. 131;   brushwasher.
         and a large spinach-jade bowl from the Bamble North collection, sold at
         Sotheby's London, 18 June 1968, lot 150.          洗青白玉質,內掏空,圓形斂口。外壁隨形高浮雕雲龍紋,三條龍俯伏
         The earliest example of this form of wave-like base on jade is a massive   於器口,虎視眈眈地看着對岸的火珠,龍身隱顯於層層疊疊的靈芝雲海
         wine basin measuring 493 cm. across the body, carved in shallow relief   之中。底部較平,雕水渦紋,浪花四濺。此器運用高浮雕技法雕琢而成,
         with mythical sea creatures on the exterior, and known as the Dushan   運刀如筆,意到筆成。北京故宮博物院研究員楊伯達先生認為,此洗是
         dayuhai, the 'Du Mountain Wine Sea'. This basin, used as a wine vessel,
         was believed to have been commissioned by Khubilai Khan, who   「外白內青」或「半白半青」,屬於地質學上由白玉過渡到青玉的典型
         placed it in the Guanghan Palace on the Hill of Myriad Years, located   標本。
         on an island on Beihai Lake in Beijing. The vessel disappeared during
         the turbulent transitional years between the Yuan and Ming dynasty,   這種洗形玉器源自蒙古汗盛酒的海。現今位於北海公園中的元代瀆山大
         although its existence was known during the Ming period. The basin   玉海應為此類高浮雕雲龍洗之靈感來源。瀆山大玉海原為忽必烈之玉
         was later rediscovered by Emperor Qianlong in 1745, who found priests   器,明至清初期間,被移至西華門外的真武廟,曾被道人用作菜甕。乾
         using it as a container for preserved vegetables. Qianlong was so   隆十年(1745 年),瀆山大玉海被重新發現,乾隆皇帝以千金易得,將
         impressed with the basin that he composed three poems based on the
         vessel and had the text inscribed onto the vessel.  大玉海移回宮內,並於其腹內刻製三首御製詩及序文,述說其外型特色
         It is rare to find such massive jade brush washers decorated elaborately   有御題詩一件(圖一)、台北故宮博物院所藏一件(圖二)。另有私人
         with powerful dragons emerging out of clouds. A brushwasher of
         even larger size (55 cm. long), dated to the Qianlong period, inscribed   珍藏一例、畢曉普贈于大都會博物館一例、Lever 女士珍藏一例,及香
         with an Imperial inscription is preserved in the Yihe Yuan, Beijing, and   港佳士得 2007 年 5 月 29 日拍賣一例,拍品 1401 號。
         illustrated in The Treasure of Imperial Jade – The Collection of the Qing
         Court Special Exhibition, Beijing, 2018, no. 50 (fig. 1). Compare also
         to two other brushwashers decorated with similar motif, one of pale
         celadon jade in the collection of the National Palace Museum, Taipei
         (fig. 2); and another grey jade brushwasher of much smaller size (19
         cm. diam.) in a Hong Kong private collection which was exhibited in
         The Treasure of Imperial Jade – The Collection of the Qing Court Special
         Exhibition, Beijing, 2018, no. 42. Other Qianlong examples include the
         large green jade vessel, formerly from the H. R. Bishop collection, now
         in the Metropolitan Museum of Art, p. 30; the white jade example in the
         collection of Lady Lever, illustrated by S. C. Nott, Chinese Jade, London,
         1936, pl. C1; and a spinach-green brushwasher dated to the Kangxi
         period, sold at Christie's Hong Kong, 29 May 2007, lot 1401.

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