Page 254 - Christie's, Important Chinese Works of Art, Hong Kong Dec 3 2021
P. 254
BRUSH POT 此筆筒之風格與康熙時期竹雕大師顧玨之作品相類。參考香港佳士得
KANGXI PERIOD (1662-1722) 2005 年 5 月 30 日拍賣一件顧玨作筆筒,見拍品 1293 號。
The exterior is exquisitely carved in high relief to render a 本拍賣品由黃檀屬的木製造而成。從 2017 年 1 月 2 日起,所有由黃檀屬的木
continuous scene of scholars and their attendants in a mountain 製成的物品受 CITES 出入口管制。除非獲得 CITES 再出口許可,此拍賣品只
landscape, gathered in groups and depicted in various pursuits 可運送至香港境內的地址或從我們的香港拍賣場提取。請與專家部門聯繫以
to include inscribing on a cliff face, appreciating painting and 瞭解詳情。
calligraphy, riding on a boat, and in scholarly discussion.
6√ in. (17.6 cm.) high, box
HK$800,000-1,200,000 US$110,000-150,000
The carving style of the present brush pot closely follows that of the
master carver Gu Jue, who was active during the Kangxi period and was
known for his carvings in high relief and attention to details. Compare
a bamboo brush pot by Gu Jue, sold at Christie’s Hong Kong, 30 May
2005, lot 1293.
This item is made of a type of Dalbergia wood which is subject to CITES export/
import restrictions since 2 January 2017. This item can only be shipped to
addresses within Hong Kong or collected from our Hong Kong saleroom and office
unless a CITES re-export permit is granted. Please contact the department for
further information.