Page 59 - Christie's, Important Chinese Works of Art, Hong Kong Dec 3 2021
P. 59


               AN INSCRIBED BLUE AND WHITE ‘EIGHT                清嘉慶十八年(1813)   青花琵琶湖八景圖瓷板
               VIEWS OF LAKE BIWA’ PLAQUE                        來源

               DATED TO THE JIAQING 18TH YEAR, CORRESPONDING TO 1813 AND   日本私人珍藏,建立於 19 世紀
               OF THE PERIOD
                                                                 正面以青花繪琵琶湖八景,右上角銘款:「江州琵琶湖八景。皇朝 狩野
               The top of the plaque is painted with the ‘Eight Views of Lake
               Biwa’ with an inscription to the upper right corner incorporating   縫殿助金門畫史藤原永岳」。四面書京都相囯寺朴長老作近江八景七言
               the title of the painting and the signature of Kano Eigaku (1790-  詩八首。背面中間圓形開光內書「大日本摂州橋本景留居士囑。清嘉慶
               1867). The sides of the plaque are inscribed with eight poems   昭陽作噩歲宦工陶貞恭製。十五枚。 」
               composed by a Japanese monk from Shokokuji in Kyoto. The   琵琶湖位於日本滋賀縣,為日本第一大湖。此牌上所繪琵琶湖八景,
               reverse is painted with a medallion containing an inscription   又名近江八景,為桃山時代公卿近衛信尹(1565-1614)仿照洞庭湖的
               incorporating the names of the commissioner, Jingliu jushi of   「 瀟湘八景」自琵琶湖所選取的八個景點,後世文人、畫家多取材於此。
               Hashimoto, the maker, Tao Zhen, the year of production, 1813,   此牌原圖為京狩野家第九代狩野永岳 (1790-1867) 所繪。據此牌背面所
               and the quantity, 15, reserved on a ground of waves.   書「十五枚」推測,此類瓷牌應燒造了十五件。現知其他例子分別藏於
               11¿ x 10—/”” in. (28.2 x 26.7 cm.)                上海博物館、彥根城博物館及大津市歷史博物館;參見《中國陶瓷全集
               HK$100,000-150,000               US$13,000-19,000  ・第15卷・清(下)》,上海人民美術出版社,1999 年,圖 124(圖一)。

               A Japanese private collection since the 19th century
               The present plaque belongs to a set of 15 plaques made in Jingdezhen
               for the Japanese market. According to the inscriptions, the plaque was
               commissioned by a Japanese patron named Jingdi jushi of Hashimoto
               (present-day Hashimoto, Wakayama Prefecture) based on the painting
               ‘Eight Views of Lake Biwa’ by Kano Eigaku (1790-1867), the ninth
               head of Kyo-Kano School. The ‘Eight Views of Lake Biwa’ was in turn
               inspired by the ‘Eight Views of Xiangjiang’ of the Dongting Lake region
               in China. For other plaques from this set, see one in the Shanghai
               Museum, illustrated in Zhongguo taoci quanji-15-Qing, Shanghai, 1999,
               no. 124 (fig. 1); one in the Hikone Castle Museum; and one in the Otsu
               City Museum of History.
                                                                           fig. 1  Collection of the Shanghai Museum
                                                                                  圖一  上海博物館藏品

                                                          (two views 兩面)

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