Page 152 - Bonhams Auction Images of Devotion Oct. 2 2018
P. 152

A spiritual leader with great ambition, Jangchub Gyaltsen founded   絳曲堅贊為西藏帕竹王朝建立者,宗教與政治事務的領袖,於十四世
           the Pakmodrupa dynasty and directed military operations against the   紀上半葉以武力推翻薩迦派的統治,並在其內鬥之時打敗有蒙古支持
           Mongol-backed Sakya regime in the early 1350s. He defeated the   的薩迦派。1357年,元朝可汗策封其為「大司徒」,承認了其統一
           Sakya who caved under internal strife. In 1357, Jangchub Gyaltsen   藏中和藏西十三大區、政教合一的帕竹地方政權。由於中原統治者無
           was given the secular title “Tai Situ” (Great Tutor) by the Mongol ruler,   暇顧及西藏事務,絳曲堅贊和其繼任者獨立掌管西藏八十餘年,其在
           marking the official recognition of the Pakmodrupa administration’s   任期間被稱為西藏歷史和文化發展的黃金時期。
           control over all 13 districts of Central and Western Tibet until circa
           1435. As Mongol and Chinese rulers had little time for Tibetan affairs   絳曲堅贊在世期間了出資繪製和抄寫了大量的唐卡和經卷。他的肖像
           due to their own local political instability, Jangchub Gyaltsen and his   出現在一組紀念索南堅贊(1312-75)的四十二張曼陀羅唐卡中,
           successors governed Tibet independently for over eighty years, a   其中一幅畫有絳曲堅贊的唐卡可見於喜馬拉雅藝術資源網77204號。
           golden age known for its religious and cultural developments.
           As a prominent patron of art and religious texts, Jangchub Gyaltsen   Rossi & Rossi,《Homage to the Holy: Portraits of Tibet’s Spiritual
           is known for commissioning large sets of thangkas and copies of the   Teachers》,倫敦,2003年,版圖31。
           Buddhist scriptural canon (kangyur). For example, he is portrayed
           as the donor at the bottom corners of a set of 42 mandalas   來源
           commemorating Lama Dampa Sonam Gyaltsen (1312-75); for one   歐洲私人收藏
           example from the set, see Himalayan Art Resources item no.77204.

           Rossi & Rossi, Homage to the Holy: Portraits of Tibet’s Spiritual
           Teachers, London, 2003, pl.31.

           Private European Collection

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