Page 182 - Bonhams Auction Images of Devotion Oct. 2 2018
P. 182

           TWO GILT COPPER ALLOY ARHATS                      銅鎏金羅漢像兩尊
           QING DYNASTY, 17TH/18TH CENTURY                   清朝,十七/十八世紀
           Himalayan Art Resources item no.61782             喜馬拉雅藝術資源網61782號
           18.4 cm (7 1/4 in.) high, the larger              高18.4釐米(7 1/4 英吋),較高的一尊

           HK$3,000,000 - 4,000,000                          3,000,000 - 4,000,000 港元

           These two arhat sculptures of Vajriputra and Pindola Bharadvaja are   此對羅漢為伐闍羅弗多羅和賓度羅跋囉惰闍,造型華美,表情細緻端
           superbly modeled with precise, mannered expressions. This alone   正,不同於清代大多數制式化的羅漢銅像。幾乎可確定是出自御用匠
           departs from most arhat bronzes of the Qing Dynasty, typified by   師之手。其長袍寫實,圖案優美,寶座雕工細緻,都進一步證明了這
           generic and simplified features. The master artist behind these two   兩尊造像是由重要的供養人委託製作。其出自一組為人熟知的羅漢造
           figures was almost certainly appointed by imperial workshops. The   像,此組造像可謂清朝同體量羅漢像中的極品。
           naturalistic robes with exquisite patterns, and the finely engraved
           cushions are further testament to these two sculptures being part   此組羅漢的其中十一尊,包括此兩尊,為柏林的保羅‧威格納舊藏,
           of a special commission. They belong to a known set of arhat   直至1948年(圖1)。威格納是德國優秀的舞台及電影演員,並且是
           sculptures that, of this scale, probably constitutes the Qing Dynasty’s  著名的中國藝術收藏家。這組羅漢可能遵循傳統二十三尊的數目,
           finest group.                                     包含十八尊羅漢、四尊明王,以及佛陀釋迦牟尼;其中四尊由電影
                                                             服裝設計師娜塔莎·蘭波娃贈予費城藝術博物館 (館藏編號1963-155-
           From this set, eleven - including the present two - were in the   7; 1963-155-8; 1963-155-9; 1963-155-10,圖2)。另一尊有可能是
           collection of Paul Wegener, Berlin by 1948 (fig.1). Paul Wegener was   阿爾弗雷德‧盧茨的藏品,據稱請於上世紀三十年代,並在德國科隆
           a brilliant German stage and screen actor, also renown for a fine   倫佩茨拍賣行售出,2015年12月4日,拍品94號。同組兩尊羅漢由
           collection of Chinese sculpture. This set of arhats likely followed a   美國實業家阿爾弗雷德‧格溫‧範德比爾特收藏,於蘇富比售出,紐
           traditional number of twenty-three, comprised of eighteen arhats,   約,2011年3月24日,拍品74和75號。這兩尊伐闍羅弗多羅和賓度羅
           four guardian kings, and Shakyamuni Buddha. Four arhats from this   跋囉惰闍來源非凡,質量出眾,是難得的傑作。
           set were gifted by Natacha Rambova to the Philadelphia Museum
           of Art (acc. nos.1963-155-7; 1963-155-8; 1963-155-9; 1963-  來源
           155-10, fig.2). Another, likely from the set belonged to an Alfred   保羅‧威格納(1874–1948)收藏,柏林
           Lutz, reputedly acquired before 1930s, and was sold at Lempertz,   Ernst Karl Becker,柏林,1950年11月29及30日,圖版26號,
           Cologne, 4 December 2015, lot 94. Two from the set were in the   拍品793號
           collection of Alfred Gwynne Vanderbilt, sold by Sotheby’s, New York,   娜塔莎·蘭波娃(1897–1966)收藏
           24 March 2011, lots 74&75. These two masterpieces of Vajriputra   Donald P. Hansen教授家族收藏,紐約
           and Pindola Bharadvaja have a fine pedigree, so distinguished in   蘇富比,紐約,2007年9月21日,拍品48與49號

           Collection of Paul Wegener (1874–1948), Berlin
           Ernst Karl Becker, Berlin, 29&30 November 1950, plate 26, lot 793
           Collection of Natacha Rambova (1897-1966)
           The Estate of Professor Donald P. Hansen, New York
           Sotheby’s, New York, 21 September 2007, lots 48&49

           Fig.1                        圖一                   Fig 2.                      圖2
           The Wegener Collection       威格納收藏                A set of gilded copper alloy arhats    銅鎏金羅漢像一組
           Ernst Karl Becker, Berlin    Ernst Karl Becker, 柏林  China, c. 1700-1800       約1700-1800年
           29&30 November 1950, plate 26,   1950年11月29及30日   Philadelphia Museum of Art    費城藝術博物館
           lot 793                      圖版26號,拍品793號         Gift of Natacha Rambova, 1963    娜塔莎·蘭波娃捐贈,1963年
                                                             1963-155-7-10               1963-155-7-10

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