Page 32 - Bonhams Auction Images of Devotion Oct. 2 2018
P. 32

           A POLYCHROMED STUCCO HEAD OF BUDDHA               彩繪泥塑佛首
           61 cm (24 in.) high                               高61釐米(24英吋)

           HK$3,000,000 - 5,000,000                          3,000,000 - 5,000,000 港元

           Remarkable in its scale and state of preservation, this head is from a   可設想在古代絲綢之路上現今的阿富汗境內有一座曾經宏偉壯觀的佛
           colossal representation of Buddha produced for a once monumental   塔,佛塔中有一尊巨型佛像,而本拍品便源自這樣一尊佛像。佛首體
           stupa along the ancient Silk Road in modern day Afghanistan. It   量大,品相完好,展現現存最早期及最具影響力的佛像雕塑傳統之
           presents one of the earliest and most influential sculptural traditions   一,同時也見證了一千五百年前的佛教聖地的繁榮。此尊或為存世不
           representing Buddha in human form, and bespeaks these thriving   多的兩三件大型頭像中品相最好的一件。
           centers of Buddhism in the first half of the first millennium CE. This
           head is perhaps the only one of two or three massive examples   儘管在過往兩千年的中亞,犍陀羅灰泥雕像飽受自然環境侵蝕和政權
           surviving in such excellent condition.            更迭的影響, 此件佛首卻得以保存其近乎原貌的細緻與完美。藝術家
           Whereas most Gandharan stucco sculptures have suffered far more   收於兩耳,線條自然流動。此外,原本的彩繪裝飾留存幾近完美:
           from exposure to the elements and political changes in Central   鮮紅色的朱砂突出了髮際線、鼻翼跟雙唇,厚重的黑色線條穿越其眉
           Asia over two millennia, the face’s impeccably smooth surface   峰,並勾畫出雙眼。佛陀雙目眼瞼低垂,寓意智慧超凡,不受世俗塵
           is preserved in its near original glory. The artist’s fine molding of   垢之汙。
           Buddha’s wavy locks endure, radiating from a central widow’s peak,
           flowing over the domed ushnisha, and terminating before the ears   目前僅知有一件保存完好的犍陀羅泥塑佛首比此件尺寸更大,屬大
           in curls. Also, the original polychrome decoration is mostly intact.   衛納林(David R. Nalin)收藏,高102.5釐米(Basu,《Displaying
           Brushstrokes in red cinnabar accentuate the hairline, nose, and lips.   Many Faces》,中國,2004年,頁82-3,83號)。在作者的頁腳註
           Thick black lines run across the arches of his brow and his eyes. The   釋中,Basu 探討了現存巨型犍陀羅泥塑佛像的考古紀錄,此類佛像
           gaze half covered by lowered eyelids, evoking Buddha’s detachment   多出土於哈達(Hadda)及塔克-巴西(Takht-i-Bahi)。大衛納林的
           from the mundane.                                 佛首背部未完成並中空,表示這些巨型頭像和它們的身軀是分開製
           The only known Gandharan stucco head larger than this example
           and surviving in equally excellent condition is in the David R. Nalin   另外一件相關的巨型佛首原屬哈達的塔帕-卡蘭寺院(Tapa Kalan
           Collection, at a height of 102.5 cm (Basu, Displaying Many Faces,   Monastery),後於1926年被吉美博物館收藏(MG17273,參見
           China, 2004, pp.82-3, no.83). In her footnotes, Basu surveys the   Jarrige et al.,《Musée national des arts asiatiques – Guimet》,
           archaeological records that discuss the remains of monumental   巴黎,2001年)。此外,倫敦維多利亞及艾爾伯特博物館還有一件
           stucco Buddhas in Gandhara, mostly found at Hadda and Takht-i-  較小但保存完好的哈達佛頭(IM.3-1931),可見相似的橢圓形的凹
           Bahi. The Nalin head also shows a hollow, unfinished back, indicating  陷於人中部位。另有一件藝術性同樣上乘的是現藏於東京國立博物
           these monumental heads were worked separately from their   館的泥塑佛陀頭像(栗田功,《犍陀羅藝術 II 大美之佛像》,東
           corresponding bodies and attached to shoulders by an armature.    京,2003年,頁121,326號);還有一件於克利夫蘭藝術博物館舊
                                                             藏(Hollis,”Central Asian Stucco Sculptures”,《The Bulletin of the
           A related colossal head of Buddha in the Musée Guimet was   Cleveland Museum of Art》,卷32,3號,1945年3月,頁26–7)。
           collected in Hadda at the Tapa Kalan Monastery in 1926 (MG 17273,
           see Jarrige et al., Musée national des arts asiatiques – Guimet ,   著錄
           Paris, 2001). A smaller, but finely preserved head from Hadda, in   Johnathan Tucker,《絲綢之路: 藝術及歷史》,倫敦,2015年,
           the Victoria and Albert Museum, London (IM.3-1931), shows the   頁52,圖54。
           same oval depression used to define the philtrum across all these
           related stucco heads. Further comparisons to the present sculpture’s   來源
           sensitive modeling can be made with a stucco head of Buddha in the  Spink & Son, Ltd.,倫敦,1990年
           Tokyo National Museum (I. Kurita, Gandharan Art II, The World of the   Elizabeth與Willard Clark夫婦收藏,加州
           Buddha, Tokyo, 2003, p.121, no.326), and another example formerly
           in the Cleveland Museum of Art (Hollis, ‘Central Asian Stucco
           Sculptures’, The Bulletin of the Cleveland Museum of Art, vol. 32,
           no. 3, March 1945, pp.26–7).

           Johnathan Tucker, The Silk Road: Art and History, London, 2015,
           p.52, fig.54.

           Spink & Son, Ltd., London, 1990
           The Elizabeth and Willard Clark Collection, California

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