Page 220 - Christie's Chinese Works of Art March 24 and 25th, 2022 NYC
P. 220

                                                                      1082                                                       ⱷ1084
                                                                      A LONGQUAN CELADON BOWL                                    A LONGQUAN CELADON TRIPOD CENSER                    A number of Longquan celadon censers of the same shape are published,
                                                                      SOUTHERN SONG DYNASTY (1127-1279)                          SOUTHERN SONG DYNASTY (1127-1279)                   including several in renowned museum collections. Examples in the Tokyo
                                                                                                                                                                                     National Museum and Percival David Foundation, London, are published in
                                                                      The rounded sides of the bowl rise to a slightly everted rim and the   The compressed body is raised on three slightly splayed, conical legs and has
                                                                                                                                                                                     Oriental Ceramics, The World's Great Collections, Tokyo, 1982, vol. 1, no. 97,
                                                                      exterior is carved with overlapping petals. The bowl is covered in a   three narrow flanges formed by slip beginning on the shoulder and trailing
                                                                                                                                                                                     and vol. 6, no. 37, respectively. Others include the example illustrated by J.
                                                                      glaze of even celadon tone.                                down each leg. The censer is covered overall with a soft green glaze of even
                                                                                                                                                                                     Ayers, The Baur Collection: Chinese Ceramics, vol. I, Geneva, 1972, no. A99; in
                                                                                                                                 tone ending at the bottom of the legs to expose the pale grey ware burnt
                                                                      5√ in. (14.7 cm.) diam.                                                                                        the National Palace Museum, Taiwan, included in the Illustrated Catalogue of
                                                                                                                                 orange in the firing.
                                                                                                                                                                                     Sung Dynasty Porcelain, Taipei, 1974, no. 12. A larger example (19.7 cm. diam.),
                                                                      $6,000-8,000                                               5 in. (12.7 cm.) diam., reticulated silver cover, Japanese wood box  found in 1991 in Jinyu village of Nanqiong, Suining city, Sichuan province, is
                                                                                                                                                                                     illustrated in Longquan Celadon: The Sichuan Museum Collection, Macau,
                                                                                                                                 $20,000-40,000                                      1998, pp. 210-11, no. 83.
                                                                      Christie’s London, 10 December 1990, lot 114.
                                                                      A Private Collection.                                      PROVENANCE:
                                                                      Harmony Of Form, Serenity Of Color: A Private Collection of   Mizoguchi family collection, Japan, according to label on box.  南宋ǎ龍泉青釉弦紋˕足爐
                                                                      'Song' Ceramics; Sotheby’s New York, 23 March 2011, lot 570.
                                                                                                                                 The accompanying wood box of the present censer has an inscription
                                                                      The present bowl, carved with the upright petals on the    of the Mizoguchi family, a federal clan from the Edo period to the Meiji   碧雲山房蓄藏ḵ品
                                                                      exterior, is a classic ware of the Southern-Song Longquan   restoration, 17th-19th century. The Mizoguchi family ruled Shibata domain
                                                                      kilns. Longquan bowls of this design can be found in some   in the northern part of Niigata prefecture. The family was known for their
                                                                      of the world’s greatest collections, and include the one in the   high cultural standards and devotion to the art of the tea ceremony. The
                                                                      Metropolitan Museum of Art, accessioned no. 17.57.1 (Rogers   family was also very passionate about art, amassing a collection over many
                                                                      Fund, 1917), and another example in the Art Institute of Chicago,   generations consisting primarily of tea ceremony objects.
                                                                      no. 1945.303 (Gift of Russell Tyson). See, also, the virtually
                                    1082                              identical example from the Muwen Tang collection, sold at   The shape of this censer, based on that of the ancient bronze li, was
                                                                      Christie’s Hong Kong, 6 April 2015, lot 130.               produced from the Southern Song into the Yuan period for the domestic as
                                                                                                                                 well as the export market. The numerous tripod censers retrieved from the
                                                                                                                                 Sinan shipwreck provide evidence that this shape was much sought after in
                                                                                                                                 Japan, the original destination of the ship's cargo, and where they have since
                                                                      南宋 龍泉青釉蓮瓣形盌                                                been widely collected.
                                                                                                                                 The thick, translucent glaze is typical of this type of Southern Song              (Mizoguchi family label on box)
                                                                      倫敦佳士得, 1990年12月10日, 拍品編號114                                Longquan ware, as is the lack of any decoration other than the flanges.
                                                                      紐約蘇富比, 「Harmony Of Form, Serenity of Color: A Private
                                                                      Collection of 'Song' Ceramics」, 2011年3月23日, 拍品編號570

                                                                      PROPERTY FROM A DISTINGUISHED PRIVATE COLLECTION
                                                                      A SMALL LONGQUAN CELADON BALUSTER JAR
                                                                      AND COVER
                                                                      SOUTHERN SONG-YUAN DYNASTY OR LATER
                                                                      The jar is carved with slender, vertical, rib-like petals which are
                                                                      repeated on the domed section of the leaf-form cover with stem
                                                                      finial. The jar and cover are covered in a lustrous, sea-green glaze.
                                                                      5¡ in. (13.7 cm.) high

                                                                      Christie's New York, 3 June 1993, lot 206.

                                                                      南宋/元或以後 龍泉青釉瓜棱形蓋罐
                                                                      紐約佳士得, 1993年6月3日, 拍品編號206


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