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VARIOUS PROPERTIES                                                                                               PROPERTY FROM A PRIVATE EUROPEAN FAMILY
                1177                                                                                                             1179
                A JICHIMU BRUSH POT                                                                                              A TIELIMU RECESSED-LEG TABLE                        The form of the present table, with its shaped aprons, elaborate spandrels,
                18TH-19TH CENTURY                                                                                                18TH CENTURY                                        mid-leg ‘barbed leaf’ carving and ruyi-form feet is a particularly archaic one,
                                                                                                                                                                                     derived from the open-panel box construction developed as early as the Tang
                The brush pot is of waisted cylindrical form, with an                                                            The single-plank top is set with everted ends above a beaded apron and carved
                                                                                                                                                                                     dynasty. Several small wine tables with such features can be seen in the
                attractively feathered grain.                                                                                    ruyi-form spandrels. The whole is raised on elegantly shaped legs carved at the
                                                                                                                                                                                     Song-dynasty painting album, Tianlai ge jiucang Songren huace, part of which
                                                                                                                                 mid-section with double floral motif and terminating in stylized ruyi-feet, and
                6¡ in. (15.8 cm.) high                                                                                                                                               is illustrated in Wang Shixiang’s Connoisseurship of Chinese Furniture, vol. I,
                                                                                                                                 joined by pairs of stretchers.
                                                                                                                                                                                     Hong Kong, 1990, p. 55, fig. 2.20. An example in tielimu illustrated by Wang
                $1,000-2,000                                                                                                     33q in. ( cm.) high, 50q in. ( cm.) wide, 12r in. ( cm.) deep  Shixiang in ibid., vol. II, p. 78, no. B36, although both lack the everted ends.
                                                                                                                                 $8,000-12,000                                       A few extant examples of this form are known, including one at the
                The Peony Collection, Hong Kong.
                                                                                                                                                                                     Nelson-Atkins Museum, illustrated by Roger Ward and Patricia Fidler in
                                                                                                                                 PROVENANCE:                                         The Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art: A Handbook of the Collection, New
                                                                                                                                 Robert H. Ellsworth, New York, 15 April 1982.
                R. Piccus, ed., Wood from the Scholar’s Table: Chinese
                R. Piccus, ed., Wood from the Scholar’s Table: Chinese                                                                                                               York, 1993, p. 342. For a huanghuali example with everted ends and very
                Hardwood Carvings and Scholar’s Articles, Hong Kong,
                Hardwood Carvings and Scholar’s Articles, Hong Kong,                                                                                                                 similar mid-leg ‘barbed-leaf’ carvings in the Royal Ontario Museum, see
                1984, no. 21.                                                                                                                                                        R. Ellsworth, Chinese Furniture: Hardwood Examples of the Ming and Early
                                                                                                                                                                                     Ch’ing Dynasties, New Fairfield, Connecticut, 1970, no. 53.

                清十八/十九世紀 雞翅木筆筒                                                                                                                                                       私́歐洲家族珍藏
                The Peony Collection, 香港
     年 月  日
                R. Piccus編, 《Wood from the Scholar’s Table:
                Chinese Hardwood Carvings and Scholar’s
                Articles》, 香港, 1984年, 編號21

                                                                     A TIELIMU PERFUMIER AND A ZITAN ROOT
                                                                     INCENSE HOLDER
                                                                     18TH-19TH CENTURY
                                                                     With a fitted cover on each end, the cylindrical
                                                                     perfumier is carved with a scene of four figures in a
                                                                     rocky landscape with pine trees. The incense holder
                                                                     is worked to cleverly utilize the natural qualities of the
                                                                     zitan root, and is suggestive of craggy rockwork with
                                                                     stalks of bamboo to one side.
                                                                     Perfumier: 5√ in. (14.9 cm.) high
                                                                     Incense Holder: 4¬ in. (11.9 cm.) high   (2)
                                                                     The Peony Collection, Hong Kong.

                                                                     The Peony Collection, 香港

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