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After the 902 fall of Nanzhao, an independent   in such Dali sculptures as the gilt-bronze Willow-  1 Denise Patry Leidy, Donna Strahan, et al., Wisdom
                                             kingdom in southern China, and following the   Branch Guanyin (Bhaisajyaraja Avalokiteshvara)   Embodied: Chinese Buddhist and Daoist Sculpture
                                             rapid rise and collapse of three successive states   formerly in the Nitta Collection, Japan   in the Metropolitan Museum of Art (New York:
                                                                                                                                  Metropolitan Museum of Art; and New Haven, CT, and
                                             in the area, Duan Siping (893–944), seized   (1912–2006) and now in the National Palace
                                                                                                                                  London: Yale University Press), 2010, p. 86, no. 12.
                                             power in 937 and established the dynastic Dali   Museum, Taipei,  as well as in the gilt-bronze
                                                                                                                                 2 See: Leidy, Strahan, et al., Wisdom Embodied, 2010,
                                             Kingdom. Unlike Nanzhao, which had had a   Thousand-Arm, Thousand-Eye Avalokiteshvara
                                                                                                                                  pp. 86-88, no. 12.
                                             contentious relationship with the Tang dynasty   in the Metropolitan Museum of Art (56.223).   6  3 See: Leidy, Strahan, et al., Wisdom Embodied, 2010,
                                             (618–907), Dali enjoyed cordial relations with   In particular, the cape-like shawl over the   . 137, no. 32.
                                             the Song, which facilitated artistic and cultural   shoulders, the low-waisted dhoti, the necklace   4 Illustrated in the online Encyclopedia of Buddhist
                                             exchange. Duan Siping, his heirs, and the people of   with strands dangling onto the chest, and the   Arts (Taipei); see:
                                             Dali claimed to be ethnically Han Chinese, which   long strand of beads with a medallion at the waist   keyword_search_detail.php?arg=QkVMCO9ZkwlsKb
                                             facilitated relations with Song and which underlies   also find parallels in those of a twelfth-century,
                                             the belief that Dali is a Chinese kingdom.  Dali Kingdom seated bodhisattva in the Yunnan
                                                                                                                                 5 See: Christie’s, Hong Kong, ed., Glories of Buddhist
                                                                               Provincial Museum, Kunming. 7
                                                                                                                                  Art, 29 May 2019 (Hong Kong: Christie’s), 2019, pp.
                                             The derivation of Dali and Liao styles from Tang                                     47-49, lot 2710.
                                             and the interplay amongst the styles of Song,   The few other remaining Dali, gilt bronzes that   6 See: Leidy, Strahan, et al., Wisdom Embodied, 2010,
                                             Liao, and Dali created a complex artistic milieu,   form this cohesive group include the standing   pp. 138-140, no. 33.
                                             the sculptures from Dali, Song, and Liao thus   Guanyin sculptures at Daisen-ji Temple in   7 See: Leidy, Strahan, et al., Wisdom Embodied, 2010,
                                             exhibiting many visual and stylistic similarities.   Saihuku District, Tottori Prefecture, Japan (H.   p. 140, fig. 100.
                                                                                                                                 8 See: Matsubara Saburō, Chūgoku Bukkyō Chōkoku
                                             Those similarities have resulted in the widely   37 cm);  in the Museum für Asiatische Kunst,
                                                                                                                                  Shiron [The Path of Chinese Buddhist Sculpture], vol.
                                             varying attributions of the closely related Guanyin   Staatliche Museen zu Berlin (Fig. 2); in the
                                                                                                                                  3 Tō · Godai · Sō [Tang, Five Dynasties, Song] (Tokyo:
                                             sculptures in this group; in fact, attributions   Shanghai Museum, (H. 23 cm) (Fig. 3);  in the
                                                                                                                                  Yoshikawa Kobunkan), 1995, pl. 817
                                             of these sculptures vary from collection to   Virginia Museum of Fine Arts, Richmond (H. 48   9 See: Matsubara, Chūgoku Bukkyō Chōkoku Shiron,
                                             collection, from museum to museum, and range   cm);  in the former Nitta Collection, Japan (H.   vol. 3, 1995, pl. 818
                                             from Five Dynasties (907–960) and Dali Kingdom   46.2 cm);  in the National Palace Museum, Taipei   10 See: Hugo Munsterberg, Chinese Buddhist Bronzes
                                             to Song and Liao.                 (H. 53 cm);  and in the Tsz Shan Monastery         (Rutland, VT), 1967, figs. 56a and 56b; also see:
                                                                               Buddhist Art Museum, Hong Kong (H. 34 cm)          National Palace Museum, ed., Chinese Art in Overseas
                                                                                                                                  Collections: Buddhist Sculpture (Taipei: National
                                             The stylistic characteristics that favor attribution   (2018.07).
                                                                                                                                  Palace Museum), 1986, no. 145 also see: Lidai Guanyin
                                             of this sculpture and its congeners to the Dali
                                                                                                                                  baoxiang [Treasured Images of Guanyin through the
                                             Kingdom are numerous and include the squarish   With an impressive record of exhibition and
                                                                                                                                  Ages], (Beijing: Zhongguo Shudian), 1998, p. 138
                                             face with diminutive chin; the small, almond-  publication and with a long and distinguished   11 See: National Palace Museum, ed., The Crucible
                                             shaped eyes that look directly forward; the   provenance, this Willow-Branch Guanyin is a   of Compassion and Wisdom: Special Exhibition
                                             elaborate crown extensively embellished with   rare and exceptionally important Dali-Kingdom   Catalog of the Buddhist Bronzes from the Nitta Group
                                             cloud motifs (or, in other instances with flowers or   sculpture; indeed, it is a masterwork of Chinese   Collection at the National Palace Museum (Taipei:
                                             jewels); the bows or crown elements that appear   sculpture. Among the tallest in the small group   National Palace Museum), 1987, p. 186, pl. 90 also
                                                                                                                                  see: Christie’s, Hong Kong, ed., Arts for the Emperors,
                                             on either side of the head immediately above the   of related sculptures, it well represents the late
                        Fig. 1               ears and from which ribbons or strands of pearls   eleventh- to early twelfth-century interpretation   Visions of the Buddhist Paradise, and Fine Chinese
                                                                                                                                  Works of Art, 26 April 1998 (Hong Kong: Christie’s),
                                             descend onto the shoulders; the wealth of jewelry,   of a continuing iconographic type established
                                                                                                                                  1998, lot 603.
                                             including the distinctive and very elaborate   during the Sui dynasty.              12 Illustrated in the online Encyclopedia of Buddhist
                                             necklace with multiple strands that descend onto                                     Arts (Taipei) see:
                                             the chest and with a medallion at the waist; the   By Robert D. Mowry                keyword_search_detail.php?arg=QkVMCO9ZkwlsKb
                                             numerous scarves and sashes; and the exquisite   Alan J. Dworsky Curator of Chinese Art Emeritus,   1rN1nS8ERdqx%2F8bxQc3iGehhUo4BbzWXeLVF%
                                             finishing of both the front and the back of each   Harvard Art Museums, and          2B%2FLkaeDwo
                                             sculpture, with details of scarves, jewelry, and   Senior Consultant, Christie’s
                                             drapery folds meticulously articulated on both
                                             front and back. These elements find counterparts
                                             1 雷蒂珀 (Denise Patry Leidy) 及史唐娜 (Donna   8 松原三郎著作《中國佛教雕刻史論》卷三之「唐‧五代‧                         Fig. 1 Standing gilt-bronze figure of
                                              Strahan) 等合著的《Wisdom Embodied: Chinese   宋」圖版817 (東京:吉川弘文館,1995)。                           Guanyin, Dali Kingdom, The Collection
                                              Buddhist and Daoist Sculpture in the Metropolitan   9 前述松原三郎1995年著作《中國佛教雕刻史論》卷三圖            of National Palace Museum, Taipei.
                                              Museum of Art》頁86編號12 (紐約:大都會藝術博物  版818。                                                    圖ˏ(左˖) ૯理४銅鎏金觀音菩薩⒤像
                                              館; 康涅狄格州紐黑文及倫敦:耶魯大學出版社,2010)。    10 Hugo Munsterberg著作《Chinese Buddhist                     臺٫४⒤故宮博ḵ院藏
                                             2 前述2010年雷氏與史氏等合著的《Wisdom          Bronzes》圖56及56b (佛蒙特州拉特蘭市,1967);另
                                              Embodied》 頁86-88編號12。             可參見台北國立故宮博物院編輯委員會編撰的《海外遺                                  Fig. 2 Standing Avalokiteshvara, Song
                                             3 前述2010年雷氏與史氏等合著的《Wisdom          珍:佛像》編號145 (台北:國立故宮博物院,1986);此                            dynasty (960-1279), 12th century, gilt
                                              Embodied》 頁137編號32。               外,亦可參考《歷代觀音寶像》第一版頁138 (北京:中國                              bronze, 28.5 cm. high. © Staatliche
                                             4 圖見線上《佛光山世界佛教美術圖說大辭典》: http://    書店,1998)。                                                 Museen zu Berlin, Museum für
                                                                                                                                          Asiatische Kunst, Ident. no. 5323.
                                      11 國立故宮博物院編撰的《金銅佛造像特展圖錄》頁186,                  Photograph: Susanna Schulz.
                                              detail.php?arg=QkVMCO9ZkwlsKb1rN1nS8ERdq  圖版90 (台北:國立故宮博物院,1987);另可參見香港佳                    圖̣ (左˗) 宋十̣ˠ紀銅鎏金觀音⒤像
                                              x%2F8bxQc3iGehhUo4BbzWXeLVF%2B%2FLk  士得編撰的《Arts for the Emperors, Visions of the            編號    
      DN  高
                                              aeDwo。                            Buddhist Paradise, and Fine Chinese Works of Art,         館(柏林४⒤博ḵ館)
 攝影師  4VTBOOB
                                             5 香港佳士得編著的《梵華古韻》(香港:佳士得,2019年5     26 April 1998》拍品編號603 (香港:佳士得,1998)。                      4DIVM[
                                              月29日) 頁47-49拍品編號2710。            12 圖見線上《佛光山世界佛教美術圖說大辭典》:http://
                                             6 前述2010年雷氏與史氏等合著的《Wisdom               Fig. 3 Gilt-bronze standing figure of a
                                              Embodied》 頁138-140編號33。           detail.php?arg=QkVMCO9ZkwlsKb1rN1nS8ERdq                  bodhisattva, Northern Song dynasty (AD
                                             7 前述2010年雷氏與史氏等合著的《Wisdom          x%2F8bxQc3iGehhUo4BbzWXeLVF%2B%2FLk                       960-1127), Shanghai Museum.
                                              Embodied》 頁140圖100。               aeDwo。                                                    圖˕(右) ٫宋銅鎏金菩薩⒤像
                        Fig. 2                                                                                                                                                                         Fig. 3
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