Page 70 - Bonhams Fine Japanese Art London November 2018
P. 70

                                                                      A LARGE BALUSTER FLUTED IMARI VASE
                                                                      AND EN-SUITE COVER
                                                                      Edo period (1615-1868), circa 1700
                                                                      Painted in underglaze blue, iron red and pink enamels
                                                                      with gilt with a continuous design of peonies growing
                                                                      from behind rocks at the bottom section, chrysanthemum
                                                                      blossoms and trailing branches of cherry spreading across
                                                                      the upper section beneath a chrysanthemum-petal shaped
                                                                      fluting border enclosing different bird-and-flower scenes
                                                                      extending from the shoulder to the body, the domed cover
                                                                      similarly decorated with chrysanthemums and surmounted
                                                                      by a tear-shaped knop. 74cm (29 1/8in) high. (2).
                                                                      £3,000 - 4,000
                                                                      JPY450,000 - 590,000
                                                                      US$4,000 - 5,300

                                                                      Princesse Charles d’Arenberg collection, purchased at
                                                                      Galerie Georges Giroux, Brussels, 15 November 1926.

                                                                      119 *
                                                                      AN OVOID PORCELAIN VASE
                                                                      By Makuzu Kozan, Meiji (1868-1912) or Taisho era
                                                                      (1912-1926), early 20th century
                                                                      Painted in underglaze blue, yellow and purple with two
                                                                      exotic red-billed birds, one in flight and the second
                                                                      perched on large wind-swept peony blossoms; signed on
                                                                      the base in underglaze blue Makuzu Kozan saku.
                                                                      25.5cm (10in) high.
                                                                      £1,000 - 1,500
                                                                      JPY150,000 - 220,000
                                                                      US$1,300 - 2,000

                                                                      120 *
                                                                      A PORCELAIN OVOID VASE
                                                                      Probably by Seifu Yohei III (1851-1914), Meiji (1868-1912)
                                                                      or Taisho era (1912-1926), early 20th century
                                                                      Decorated with two butterflies hovering over large white
                                                                      and red flowering peonies issuing from leafy branches
                                                                      defined in shades of green, portions of the design with
                                                                      incised details and moulded in low relief, all reserved
                                                                      on a yellow ground, the base signed with two incised
                                                                      characters Seifu; with a separate wood stand and double
                                                                      wooden tomobako storage boxes, the inner box titled on
                                                                      the lid Hyakka nishiki botan no zu kabin (Flower vase with
                                                                      hundred colourful peonies) with seal, signed inside the
                                                                      lid Seifu tsukuru with seal Seifu, the outer box lid similarly
                                                                      titled and signed Seifu tsukuru. 26cm (10¼in) high. (4).

                                                                      £3,000 - 4,000
                                                                      JPY450,000 - 590,000
                                                                      US$4,000 - 5,300

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