Page 4 - Lungshan Pottery Lunshanoid Research 1977 Paper
P. 4

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                      culture.       However, the       previous Chiang-pei         type    of  the

                      Ch*ing-lien-kang         culture    i s shared     by  cluster     V  and   VIIi

                      the Feng-pi-t*ou         site   and   traditional      Chiang-nan type        of

                      the Ch'ing-lien-kang           culture    are   grouped    into    cluster    VI.

                      The   configuration       from    the multidimensional          scaling     on

                      the   f i r s t  and  second   vectors seems that         the   patterning of
                      the   sites    on  these    two   vectors agree       with   the   clusters

                      represented       by  the dendrogram.          Especially,      the   vertical
                      dimension      can  be   seen   as   a  shift   i n pottery character          and

                      variation      of implements.

                             The   probable meaning         of these     clusters,     such    as

                      different      time   periods,     different     people,     different      langu-

                      ages,    or  even    different     technologies, has         also been      briefly

                      discussed.        This study presents the           f i r s t  attempt   at  the

                      application       of  clustering      and   scaling    techniques      to   Chinese

                      archaeological        data.     More   detailed     study    of these     site

                      reports     are   necessary.
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