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           AFTER VLEUGHELS                                   Cohen & Cohen, Baroque & Roll, Antwerp, 2015, p. 88-89, no. 57
           Qianlong period, circa 1740-1760
           The centre of the dish painted with a large roundel depicting the   出版:
           disrobing cloaked figure of a youthful man approaching a semi-  倫敦Cohen & Cohen古董行,《Baroque & Roll》,安特衛普,2015
           recumbent lady in décolleté dress exposing her breasts and holding   年,頁88-89,圖版編號57
           the roots of the tree against which she rests with her right hand and
           fumbling with her right foot for leverage, all set in a landscape with   The subject is taken from an engraving published in Paris 1738, ‘Le
           European buildings in the distance, the rim with a thin band of iron-red   Villageois qui Cherche son Veau’ from ‘Contes de La Fontaine’ by
           and gilt spearheads, the reverse plain.           the French artist Nicolas de Larmessin II, (circa 1638 to 1694), after
           9 3/16in (23.4cm) diam                            another French artist Nicolas Vleughels, (1668–1737). In the engraving,
                                                             a youth secretly watches the proceedings, from the branches of the
           $1,000 - 1,500                                    tree above the reclining décolleté lady (fig.1).

           乾隆時期 約1740-1760年 粉彩描紅描金《讓.德.拉封丹》盤                 ‘Le Villageois qui Cherche son Veau’ translates as ‘The villager looking
                                                             for his calf’. In the tale, the young villager climbs a tree to better see
                                                             his missing calf, when an amorous couple choose the base of his tree
                                                             to court. The male lover tells his amoureuse that he can see all that he
                                                             would ever wish to look upon. Innocently, the villager asks if he can
                                                             also see his missing calf.
                                                             Engraved illustrations based on paintings by Boucher, Le Mesle,
                                                             Vleughels, Pater, Eisen, Lorrain and Lancret were published in 1730
                                                             and known as Le Suite de Larmessin. They were later published in
                                                             book form with Fontaine’s text.
                                                             A plate with the same subject was published by Cohen & Cohen, The
                                                             Golden Gate Collection, Antwerp, 2018, p. 78, no. 58.


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