Page 188 - Bonhams Catalog Cohen and Cohen Jan 24, 2023 New York
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A RARE PAIR OF BLUE AND WHITE LEAF-SHAPED PEDESTAL This type of leaf-molded salt cellar is an unusual form, and the
SALTS FOR THE DUTCH OR ENGLISH MARKET relatively early dating suggests this pair was the result of a Dutch
Kangxi period, circa 1700 VOC commission, not an English East India Company one. It is likely
Each unusually molded with a concave flat top section of leaf outline, therefore that this pair was modelled after a Delft original, and the Delft
the top painted with a central flowering spray within a floral border, the version probably also owes something to an earlier silver (or brass)
sides similar and standing on a waisted base. prototype, since the shape is emphatically not a conventional ceramic
2 1/2in. (6.5cm) wide (2). form. It is surprising that such a specialized table accessory was
worth commissioning as a blue and white version in China rather than
$1,500 - 2,000 simply buying the locally manufactured Dutch (or English) tin-glazed
earthenware model. Salt was a highly prized and expensive commodity
康熙時期 約1700年 稀有青花葉形高足鹽碟一對 in Europe two centuries earlier, but by 1700 it was much less revered
as a necessary condiment on a standard dining table, or as a key
Published: preservative to keep fish and meat ‘fresh’ until needed in the bleak
Cohen & Cohen, A Game of Bowls, Gent, 2014, p. 18, no. 13 depths of winter.
出版: References: Cohen & Cohen, 2007, p. 6, no. 2, a pair of similar salts
倫敦Cohen & Cohen古董行,《A Game of Bowls》,安特衛 shaped as fish.