Page 50 - Handbook of Tibetan Buddhist Symbols
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Handbook of Tibetan Buddhis#12B  9/1/10  11:38 AM  Page 32

                  32   T he Handbook of  T ibet an B uddhist S ymbols

                       creates the characteristic nasal or kazoo-like  bound together with a yellow cotton thread,
                       tone of the Chinese flute. The flute is gener-  may be depicted smoldering within a grain-
                       ally positioned at an inclined angle behind  filled bowl or ‘granary’ box. Powdered
                       the mirror, and usually has a silk tassel  juniper or bsang is traditionally shown smol-
                       hanging from its upper end.               dering in incense burners (Tib. spos-phor),
                                                                 which are commonly depicted in the form of
                                                                 bronze vase-shaped vessels that stand upon
                       SMELL                                     three small legs. These incense burners can
                         (Skt. gandha; Tib. dri)                 be ornately decorated, and may have carry-
                                                                 ing handles or be suspended upon three
                       Smoldering incense sticks, an incense burner,  chains in the fashion of a swung Christian
                       or a conch shell full of perfume, traditionally  censer. In Tibet large incense burners (Tib.
                       represent the faculty of smell. The basic in-  bsang khung), for burning juniper leaves and
                       gredient of Tibetan incense (Tib. bsang) is  branches, are traditionally constructed upon
                       powdered juniper leaf, which is burned in  rooftops or near the entrances to temples
                       charcoal braziers or clay incense burners. Ti-  and monasteries. These outdoor incense
                       betan stick incense (Tib. spos) is hand-rolled  burners are made of whitewashed clay and
                       from a paste of juniper powder mixed to var-  fashioned in the shape of stupas. For indoor
                       ious formulas with medicinal herbs, saffron,  use a wooden incense box would be more
                       sandalwood, frankincense, aloes, musk, and  commonly used. This rectangular box has a
                       other fragrant substances. Several upright in-  lower metal tray, upon which incense sticks
                       cense sticks, or a thick round cluster of sticks  are burned horizontally on a bed of ashes. In

                       Four conch shells full of swirling perfumed liquids (top row). Various examples of burning incense with
                       tripod mounted censers (left); a wooden incense box with stick incense burning above, and a large out-
                                                    door incense burner (right).
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