Page 24 - Bonhams Presencer Buddhist Art Collection Oct. 2 2018
P. 24


           In 5th century BCE a great sage, known as the ‘Sage of the   公元前五世紀,一位世稱「釋迦族聖賢」(釋迦牟尼)的大智
           Shakya Clan’ (Shakyamuni) realized and taught the means to   者領悟了超脫人生痛苦執著的方法,並將其傳授於人。西方學
           transcend life’s inevitable suffering. Western scholarship has   者一直對他的歷史生平充滿興趣,將其看作一位宗教上的開拓
           taken great interest in his historical biography as a religious   者。然而對於他的追隨者而言,在釋迦牟尼以前早已有其他
           innovator. But to his followers Shakyamuni has always been   「覺悟者」 (佛陀)。這些覺悟者皆在久遠的前世立誓要在
           the latest in a succession of ‘enlightened ones’ (Buddhas),   未來重現事物本質,引導眾生超越五蘊六塵的束縛,修成無
           people in a far distant life who had taken a vow of extended   上正等正覺。佛教各派系隨後發展了釋迦牟尼的故事,他們辯
           preparation to rediscover a timeless truth when the world   論宇宙萬物的真實本質以及成佛的意義。除了釋迦牟尼以外,
           has lost it. As Buddhist schools developed Shakyamuni’s   僧眾還開始信奉天界佛祖,以及代表宇宙內生覺悟的本初佛。
           mythology, they debated the true nature of the universe   弗雷森勒的藏品中囊括了釋迦牟尼、 五方如來及本初佛的造
           and Buddhahood, identifying supramundane Buddhas that   像,從哲學與神話的角度探索了上述一些概念的發展過程。
           could be worshipped alongside Shakyamuni, and Primordial
           Buddhas personifying the universe’s innate enlightenment.
           Drawing together various representations of Shakyamuni,
           ‘Celestial’ Buddhas, and Primordial Buddhas, the Presencer
           Collection explores a number of these core philosophical and
           mystical developments.

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