Page 123 - Popular Deities of Chinese Buddhism (Illustrated) and Symbols
P. 123

of the Trayastrimsa Heaven as a mark of gratitude and remem-

            brance for his beloved mother.

            In this Sutra the Buddha revealed that in the distant past aeons,

            Ti Tsang P’usa, then a Brahman maiden by the name of ‘Sacred

            Girl’,  was  deeply  troubled  when  her  mother  died  as  she  had

            often been slanderous towards the ree Jewels — the Buddha,

            Dharma and Sangha.

            To save her from the great tortures of hell, the young girl sold

            whatever she had and used the money to buy offerings which she

            offered daily to the Buddha of her time, known as e Buddha

            of Flower of Meditation and Enlightenment. She made fervent

            prayers that her mother be spared of the pains of hell and re-

            quested the Buddha for help.

            One day at the temple, while she was thus pleading for help, she

            heard the voice of the Buddha advising her to go home immedi-

            ately and there to sit down and practise meditation on His name

            if she wanted to know where the spirit of her mother was. She

            did as she was told and while doing so, her soul was transported

            to the Hell Realm where she met a hell-guardian who informed

            her  that  through  her  fervent  prayers  and  pious  offerings,  her

            mother  had  accumulated  much  merits  and  therefore  her  soul

            had already been released from hell and ascended to heaven. She

            was greatly relieved and should have been extremely happy, but

            the sights of the great sufferings in Hell that she had witnessed

             so touched her tender heart that she made an immediate vow: “I

             shall exercise my very best to relieve beings of their sufferings

            forever in my future lives of kalpas to come.”

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