Page 133 - Popular Deities of Chinese Buddhism (Illustrated) and Symbols
P. 133
often worshipped as a Buddha in anticipation of his becoming
the next Blessed One in the future. Both as Bodhisattva and
Buddha he now resides in the Tusita Heaven, the Heavenly
Realm of the Devas, where all the Buddhas-to-be will always
reside; pending their appearance as Buddha on earth to save
mankind and thereby traversing the tenth and final stage or
‘Bhumi’, to attain Supreme Buddhahood for the sake of benefit-
ting all sentient beings.
Being compassionate, Maitreya always grants help willingly to
those who pray to him with faith and the simple prayer to recite
“N M-L F”
e manner of praying to Maitreya is similar to those methods
as described in the Chapters on Kuan Shih Yin and Amitabha
Buddha. Firm faith, purity of intention and effort will be the
main factors of success of their prayers. Among the many rea-
sons for worshipping Maitreya or Mi-Lo Fwo are these two
most outstanding aspects:
1. To take rebirth in Tusita Heaven, a kind of Pure Land, so as
to receive the teaching of the Dharma.
2. To gain sufficient merits so as to obtain a rebirth during His
appearance on earth, to hear His teachings and be saved by