Page 146 - Popular Deities of Chinese Buddhism (Illustrated) and Symbols
P. 146

of gratitude for favours rendered and to seek his continued pro-

            tection for the coming year.

                                       ynasties of hina

              Mythical 2697–2206                       Legendary

                               2205–1766               With the Chou, known as “San
                               1783–1122               Tai” or “ree Dynasties”.

                                                         e classic period; Ch’un Ch’iu

              Chou             1122—222                period 722–481; Chan Kuo

                                                         period 403–221.

              Ch’in              221—206               China reunified.

              Han              206  -  219 “Eastern Han” (from  25)

                                                         e “ree Kingdoms” (Wei,
             Wei               220–264
                                                         Wu and Shu) from  200

                                                         Eastern Ch’in from 317.

              Ch’in            265–419                   Barbarian kingdoms in North

                                                         China 304–439.

             N  S

              Sung             420–478                   With the Wu and

              Ch’i             479–501                   Eastern Chin, known

             Liang             502–556                   as the “Six Dynasties”

              Ch’en            557–588                   of southern culture.

              Sui              589–617                   China reunified.

             T’ang             618–906                   Period of Spiritual Development.

                                                                                                                                                                               
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