Page 67 - Popular Deities of Chinese Buddhism (Illustrated) and Symbols
P. 67
It is because of past good roots in your previous lives that you are
now reading about this great Buddha. It means that you have the
rare opportunity to cultivate and to generate good karma for the
future. To do so you need only to cherish the name of this World-
honoured Master of Healing whole-heartedly and without a doubt.
Daily you should contemplate on his vows or his form, recite his
name and make offerings to him with what you can. rough this
devotion you will easily learn to practise compassion and loving-
kindness to those who are unfortunate, ill, lost, hungry or are in
pain and distress. It will also lead you pray and wish happiness on
all sentient beings. e prayer which comes out from your heart
that is ladened with feelings of concern for others’ well-being is of
course the best that you can offer to the Buddha, but here is the
universal prayer which is on the lips of many:
“N H-T Y S Y S F”
ose who wish may also recite this Sanskrit praise:
“N B B B Y”
In the Sutra of the Master of Healing the Buddha also revealed
to Manjusri the great dharani (mystical formula) which one
should recite for the purpose of delivering beings from their dis-
eases and miseries:
“N B B-V-P-R.
O B B--S S”
Regarding the efficacy of this great prayer the Buddha said: