Page 213 - Bonhams May 11th 2017 London Fine Chinese Art
P. 213
300 Y Compare with a related rhinoceros horn ‘lotus’ libation cup, 17th
A RHINOCEROS HORN ‘LOTUS STEM’ LIBATION CUP century, illustrated by T.Fok, Connoisseurship of Rhinoceros Horn
17th/18th century Carving in China, Hong Kong, 1999, p.147, no.97.
The richly-grained and honey-toned horn deftly carved in the form of a
lotus leaf, the handle formed as a cluster of lotus stems issuing further A related rhinoceros horn ‘lotus stem’ libation cup, 17th/18th
lotus blossoms and leaves around the exterior of the cup. century, was sold at Sotheby’s London, 11 May 2016, lot 11; another
15.1cm (6in) long rhinoceros horn ‘lotus’ libation cup with a similarly curving lotus stem
handle, 17th century, was sold at Christie’s London, 9 November
£10,000 - 15,000 2010, lot 56.
CNY86,000 - 130,000
十七/十八世紀 犀角蓮葉盃
Provenance: an important European private collection
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please refer to paragraphs 7 & 8 of the Notice to Bidders at the back of the catalogue.