Page 42 - Christie's Fine Chinese Paintings March 19 2019 Auction
P. 42
張茲闓舊藏 (LOTS 33-63)
Mr. Zhang Zikai, whose sobriquet was Limen, was born in Lechang 張茲闓先生,字麗門,廣東樂昌人,1900年出生。父親張昭芹,
of Guangdong province in 1900. His father, Zhang Zhaoqin, whose 字魯恂,光緒二十七年(1901年)舉人,曾任四川德陽縣令、華
sobriquet was Luxun, was awarded the juren degree in the twenty- 陽正堂等職。張茲闓生於文人書香世家,幼承家學,天資聰穎,
seventh year of the Guangxu reign (1901). He had served as the county 學識淵博。
magistrate of Deyang County of Sichuan province, as well as the
magistrate for Huayang. Mr. Zhang grew up in a household steeped in 張茲闓自南開大學畢業後,在紐約大學獲商科碩士學位。他曾任
traditional literati culture. He was a child prodigy who loved learning 職於中華文化教育基金會,並兼任交通大學教授。1952年起,張
the Chinese classics and became an erudite offcial. 茲闓出任中華民國經濟部長,一方面改良生產技術,一方面制定
A graduate from Nankai University, he also received a Master’s 一批優秀的職業銀行家。1981年,中央經濟研究院成立,張茲闓
degree in business from New York University. He also attended the 先生被推選為董事長,直至1983年去世。
London School of Economics and Political Science. He worked in the
Foundation of Chinese Culture and Education and held a professorship 張茲闓先生熱愛文人字畫,與同輩或年齡相去不太遠的後輩,
at Chiao Tung University. In 1952, Mr. Zhang was appointed the 常常談些中國考證學,詩詞字畫等等,頭頭是道。晚年與葉公
Minister of Economic Affairs. While in offce, his major achievements 超,陳子和諸先生往還亦多以此為題。去世時,政壇大小人物紛
included the improvement of production technology and establishment 紛前往吊唁。嚴家淦任治喪委員會主任,並有蔣經國、謝東閔
of economic policies, both of which contributed to the economic 等題輓,足見張茲闓先生在政壇之舉足輕重。此收藏一直由其
prosperity of Taiwan and to the grooming of the next generation of 家族收藏。
professional economists and bankers. When the Institute of Economics
at Academia Sinica was established in 1981, Mr. Zhang was elected to
be its Chairman, which he served until his death in 1983.
Mr. Zhang Zikai was a passionate collector of literati paintings and
calligraphy. He especially enjoyed discussing evidential scholarship,
literature, paintings, and calligraphy with his peers or people slightly
junior. Even in his late years, his enthusiastically continued such
discussions with his friends such as the important scholar and diplomat
George Kung-chao Yeh (Ye Gongchao) and painter scholar Chen
Zihe. When Mr. Zhang passed away, leading politicians as well as the
rank and fle in the government attended his memorial service and
funeral. Mr. Yan Jiagan chaired his funeral service committee; Mr. Jiang
Jingguo and Mr. Xie Dongming, among other political luminaries, all
personally wrote elegies dedicated to him. Such outpouring of laments
refected Mr. Zhang’s signifcance in the political and economic world.
This collection has remained in Mr. Zhang’s family.
Zhang Zikai and Jiang Jingguo (Chiang Ching-kuo) at Zhang’s
80th birthday and diamond wedding anniversary in 1979
PU RU (1896-1963) 溥儒 騎石客孫圖 水墨紙本 鏡框 一九六〇年作
Study with Grandson 題識:清華生水木,雙峽此中分。避亂教孫讀,殆謀繼彥雲。魯
恂先生命作騎石課孫圖既成,並題詩呈教。庚子(1960年) 九
Scroll, mounted and framed, ink on paper 月西山逸士溥儒。
12 x 32 in. (30.7 x 81.5 cm.)
Inscribed and signed, with two seals of the artist 趙恆惕題: 騎石課孫圖。魯循老兄先生督書。弟趙恆惕。
Dated ninth month, gengzi year (1960)
Dedicated to Luxun (Zhang Zhaoqin)
Frontispiece inscribed by Zhao Hengti (1880-1971), with one seal
Dedicated to Luxun