Page 74 - Christie's Fine Chinese Paintings March 19 2019 Auction
P. 74
An Ho and Pu Ru
AN HO (AN HE, 1927-2017) Song-dynasty copy, the original is thought to have been painted by
Night Revels of Han Xizai by Gu Hongzhong the Tang-court artist Gu Hongzhang (937-975) to depict the leisure
Handscroll, ink and color on silk activities of the minister Han Xizai. According to Huang Junbi’s
27 ¬ x 254 º in. (70.2 x 645.2 cm.) colophon that follows An Ho’s painting, Zhang Daqian owned the
Signed, with two seals of the artist Palace Museum’s Night Revels for a number of years and studied it
Entitled by Kugn Decheng, with one seal often with friends. It was at this time that An Ho was able to examine
Colophons inscribed by Huang Junbi (1898-1991), Yao Menggu and copy the painting.
(1912-1993), Lü Foting (1911-2005), and Ren Bowu (1914-1999) 安和 臨摹《顧閎中韓熙載夜宴圖》 設色絹本 手卷
$40,000-80,000 款識:安和。
Born into an educated family in Beijing, An Ho frst determined to 孔德成題識:夜宴圖。安和女史屬。孔德成。
be an artist at the age of 7. Her mother was a painter of fowers, and 鈐印:孔德成印
An Ho learned calligraphy from a family friend. However, her path 黃君璧、姚梦谷、呂佛庭、任博悟題跋
as an artist was dramatically impacted when she became the student 鈐印七方
of Pu Ru (1896-1963) in 1945 when she was 16. She continued to 註:生於北京的一個書香門第,安和從七歲時決定成為一名藝術
study with him for 17 years. As Pu Ru considered it imperative that 家。她的母親是一名花卉畫家,安和又從一位世交好友處學會了
she develop her knowledge and character broadly in order to be 書法。然而,在1945年,16歲的她成為溥儒(1896-1963)的學
an accomplished painter, he also instructed her in Chinese history, 生時起,她的藝術之路被戲劇性地影響了。從此,她跟從溥儒習
literature and philosophy. Beginning in the early 1950s, An Ho 畫十七載。溥儒認為,要成為一名有所成就的畫家,個人品格和
began to seriously study and copy the ancient painting styles of the 藝術質量同樣重要,因此,他也教授安和中國歷史、文學和哲學
Tang and Song dynasties. She sought out teachers who could help 等經典。自1950年代早期開始,安和開始認真研習並描摹唐、宋
her master the needed techniques and studied original masterpieces 兩代作品繪畫風格。她還尋師學藝,以求精通古典書畫技法,並
whenever possible. This refned and meticulous gongbi style of 時不時對原作進行研究。工筆畫這種講究技法工整細緻的藝術精
antiquity suited An Ho’s personality, and she developed a personal 粹恰如安和的性格與氣質,並且安和逐漸發展出了具有個人特色
painting and calligraphy style that was elegant, technically masterful 的書畫風格:畫工精細,技法絕倫,巧妙入微。
and brilliant. 安和的藝術成就在國際上也享有聲譽。1954年,在菲律賓舉辦的
An Ho has achieved distinction throughout the world. In 1954 she 育部年展上,她獲得最佳作品獎。她的畫作被先後在德國、意大
received the Gold Medal at the Second Asian Olympic Games Art 利、法國、巴西和亞洲等國家展出並收藏。1977年,她隨家人移
Exhibition in the Philippines and in 1957 the Best-in-Show for the 居至美國,繼續作畫並展覽,直到去世。
Fourth Annual Exhibition of the Taiwan Department of Education. 《韓熙載夜宴圖》是中國繪畫史上的一座里程碑,現被收藏於北
Her paintings have been shown and collected in Germany, Italy, 京故宮博物院。現存於世的版本被認為是宋人所摹絹本,而原
France, Brazil and throughout Asia. In 1977 she moved with her 作,據史料載,則是出於南唐宮廷畫家顧閎中之手,描繪了宰
family to the United States and continued to paint and exhibit until 相韓熙載的休閒活動。根據安和畫後黃君璧題跋可知,張大千曾
her fnal days. 藏有故宮博物院現藏之《韓熙載夜宴圖》多年,並時常與朋友研
The Night Revels of Han Xizai is a landmark painting now in the 作的機會。
Palace Museum, Beijing. While the extant version is thought to be a