Page 76 - March 23 2022 Boinghams NYC Indian and Himalayan Art
P. 76

                                                                               FAMILY COLLECTION                                 FAMILY COLLECTION
                                                                               436                                               437
                                                                               A SMALL GILT-BRONZE FIGURE                        A RARE GILT-BRONZE STUPA
                                                                               OF VAJRA NAIRATMYA                                CHINA, PROBABLY CHENGDE, LATE 17TH-
                                                                               TIBETO-CHINESE, 17TH-18TH CENTURY                 18TH CENTURY
                                                                               4¡ in. (11.1 cm.) high                            6q in. (16.5 cm.) high
                                                                               $8,000-12,000                                     $8,000-12,000
                                                                               PROVENANCE:                                       PROVENANCE:
                                                                               Acquired in Hong Kong, 2017.                      Acquired in Moscow, 2017-2018, by repute.
                                                                               LITERATURE:                                       LITERATURE:
                                                                               Himalayan Art Resources, item no. 24751.          Himalayan Art Resources, item no. 24752.
                                                                               Representing  the  four-armed  form  of  Vajra    The  shape  of  this  small  stupa  appears  to  be
                                                                               Nairatmya, the 'Selfless One,' partner to Hevajra,   based on those of larger size, such as the pair of
                                                                               the present image displays several characteristics   much  larger  gilt-copper  stupas  on  their  original
                                                                               of  early  Qing  Buddhist  art  created  in  the  Kangxi   stands,  in  the  Pavilion  of  Raining  Flowers  in  the
                                                                               period  (1661-1722):  the  overall  casting  is  thicker  Forbidden  City,  Beijing,  see  Cultural  Relics  of
                                                                               and  heavier  than  in  later  Qianlong  period  (1736-  Tibetan  Buddhism  Collected  in  the  Qing  Palace,
                                                                               1795)  examples,  with  rich  gilding  overall.  The   Beijing,  1998,  p.  250.  The  present  example  is
                                                                               lotus base has a distinctive ruyi-form incised motif   distinguished by the diminutive image of Buddha
                                                                               across a small section of the back, in contrast to   Shakyamuni  within  a  niche  at  the  front  center,
                                                                               Qianlong  examples  which  are  more  elongated.   protected by a small piece of glass or rock crystal.
                                                                               The  skulls  of  the  garland  are  somewhat  stylized
                                                                               as  roundels  with  large  eye  holes  picked  out  in
                                                                               red  pigment.  Compare  the  heavy  casting  of  the   中४   或為正德   十ˑˠ紀末至十Ջˠ紀
                                                                               present  work  with  that  of  a  gilt-bronze  figure
                                                                               of  a  dancing  dakini,  identified  as  eighteenth   Ϛ源
                                                                               century but likely cast in the Kangxi period, in the   得自於莫斯科
          年 	ҷ
                                                                               Qing  Palace  collection  at  Chengde,  illustrated  in
                                                                               Buddhist Art from Rehol: Tibetan Buddhist Images   ğ喜馬拉雅藝術資源Ġ 	)JNBMBZBO "SU
                                                                               and Ritual Objects from the Qing Dynasty Summer   3FTPVSDFT

                                                                               Palace at Chengde, Taipei, 1998, p. 139, cat. no. 55.

                                                                               中國   十七/十八世紀   藏傳鎏金銅空行母像
                                                                               入藏於香港, 2017年
                                                                               “喜馬拉雅藝術資源” (Himalayan Art
                                                                               Resources), 編號24751

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