Page 56 - Christie's Asian Art Auctions PARIS December 2019
P. 56

                                                                     RARE ET IMPORTANTE BOITE COUVERTE EN LAQUE
                                                                     CHINE, DYNASTIE MING, MARQUE INCISEE A SIX
                                                                     CARACTERES ET EPOQUE XUANDE (1426-1435)
                                                                     Le couvercle est délicatement sculpté en relief en laque rouge sur
                                                                     un fond ocre de trois grandes feurs de pivoine épanouies parmi des
                                                                     feuilles luxuriantes. De façon symétrique, le pourtour du couvercle et
                                                                     celui de la boîte sont à décor de feurs des quatre saisons : pivoine,
                                                                     lotus, chrysanthème et camélia, représentant dans l'ordre le
                                                                     printemps, l'été, l'automne et l'hiver. La base laquée noire porte une
                                                                     inscription incisée à six caractères Da Ming Xuande Nian Zhi ; petites
                                                                     Diamètre: 22 cm. (8æ in.)
                                                                     Hauteur: 8,2 cm. (3º in.)
                                                                     €80,000-120,000               US$89,000-130,000
                                                                     Previously in an important private collection.
                                                                     Nagel auction, 6 May 2011, lot 22.
                                                                     The foral designs on early Ming lacquer boxes represent some of
                                                                     the fnest decoration found in the Chinese decorative repertoire, as
                                                                     evident in the exquisite carving on the present box. Several boxes
                                                                     carved with this design of peony blossoms are known in various
                                                                     sizes, a few of large size (30 cm. diam. upwards) with fve peonies
                                                                     and several of smaller size (approx. 15 cm. diam.) carved with one to
                                                                     three peonies. It appears that boxes of mid-size, as is the case with
                                                                     the present lot, are rarer.
                                                                     A box of the same size and with a very similar confguration is
                                                                     illustrated in Zhongguo Qiqi Quanji, vol. 5, Beijing, 1995, no. 18; while
                                                                     another of slightly larger size (25 cm. diam.) is illustrated ibid., no.
                                                                     8. See a 'three peony' box and cover with a carved Xuande mark, in
                                                                     the  collection  of  the  Tokyo  National  Museum,  illustrated  inToyo  no
                                                                     Shikko-gei, 1977, cat. No. 505.
                                                                     Compare also the style of decoration on two large peony boxes with
                                                                     incised Yongle marks, one sold in our London Rooms, 5 June 1995,
                                                                     lot 16, and the other sold in these Rooms, An Important Collection
                                                                     of Chinese Lacquer, 30 April 2001, lot 637. Dishes with similar
                                                                     design are also known, such as the two in the Nezu Museum, Nezu
                                                                     Bijutsukan, Mei hin shusei, 1986, nos. 491-492.
                                                                     A RARE AND FINELY CARVED RED CINNABAR LACQUER
                                                                     'PEONY' BOX AND COVER
                                                                     CHINA, MING DYNASTY, XUANDE INCISED SIX-CHARACTER
                                                                     MARK AND OF THE PERIOD (1426-1435)
                                                                     明宣德 剔紅纏枝牡丹四季花卉紋蓋盒

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