Page 6 - Christie's Asian Art Auctions PARIS December 2019
P. 6

         LOTS 1-94

                               PROPERTY OF GENERAL ZINOVI PECHVOFF (1884-1966)
                                         法國大使貝志高將軍 (1884-1966) 舊藏
                                                       [LOTS 1 to 6]

                                                         Zinovi Alekseyevich Pechkof was a Russian-born French general
                                                         and  ambassador.  His military and diplomatic career spanned
                                                         multiple  continents  over  several  decades,  including  a  particularly
                                                         signifcant period from 1943-1945 in China. First dispatched as
                                                         Head of the French Military Mission to China, Pechkof was soon
                                                         promoted to the post of Ambassador, representing Free France to
                                                         the Nationalist Government (KMT) in Chongqing. During his tenure,
                                                         Pechkof built strong and lasting relationships at the highest levels
                                                         of the Nationalist Government. This was testifed to by Pechkof’s
                                                         1964 appointment by President Charles de Gaulle to act as a special
                                                         envoy to Chiang Kai-shek. Pechkof was given the sensitive task of
                                                         informing the Generalissimo that France was about to grant formal
                                                         diplomatic  recognition  to  the  People’s  Republic  of  China,  and  had
                                                         been chosen on the basis of his previous working relationship with
                                                         Chiang in wartime.
                                                         During his time in China, Pechkof acquired a small but signifcant
                                                         collection  of  modern  Chinese  paintings,  including  works  by  Xu
                                                         Beihong, Guan Shanyue, Li Xiongcai, and Sun Zongwei. Two of these
                                                         works are recorded as gifts to Pechkof by prominent KMT Politicians,
                                                         underscoring  his  prestige  in  Chongqing’s  political  and  cultural
                                                         circles. Owl and Sparrows by Li Xiongcai was gifted to Pechkof by
                                                         the KMT Minister of Education, Chen Lifu (1900-2001). While Tiger
                                                         by Guanshanyue was gifted to Pechkof on the 6 December 1945 in
                                                         Chengdu, by the recently appointed UNESCO Assistant Director and
                                                         Head of the International Culture and Education Ofice, Guo Youshou
                                                         After the war Pechkof wrote a meticulous inventory of his collections,
                                                         begun in 1949. This inventory was annotated by his heirs after his
                                                         death in 1966, clarifying the location of his possessions. All fve
                                                         paintings in this collection appear in this inventory. The works by
                                                         Guan Shanyue, Li Xiongcai and Sun Zongwei are identifed by
                                                         title,  and  the  horse  painted  by  Xu  Beihong  is  recorded  under  Xu’s
                                                         Francophonic transliteration: “Ju Peon”.

                   General Zinovi Pechvoff in the 1940s.
                                                         黨教育部長陳立夫  (1900-2001),關山月的“虎”則是新晉任命為
                                                         聯合國教科文組織專員的國際教育和文化廳長郭有守                 (1901-
                    Cover of General Zinovi Pechvoff‘s
                    inventory book started in 1949 where he
                    used to consign all his art transactions.

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