Page 76 - Christie's Asian Art Auctions PARIS December 2019
P. 76

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           RARE IMPORTANT BRULE-PARFUM TRIPODE COUVERT               This imposing tripod censer with  its archaistic bronze-style
           EN EMAUX CLOISONNES, DING                                 decoration and enamel coloured to suggest the patina of ancient
           CHINE, DYNASTIE QING, MARQUE A SIX CARACTERES             bronze represents a major artistic theme of the Qianlong reign.
           INCISEE ET EPOQUE QIANLONG (1736-1795)
                                                                     Censers of this type might have been used for ritual purposes in the
           La panse circulaire reposant sur trois pieds massifs légèrement  Qing court and would have normally been one of the fve pieces of an
           cabriolets  surgissant  de  trois  gueules  menaçantes  d'animaux  altar set, which also includes two candlesticks and two fower vases.
           fabuleux en bronze doré. La panse et le couvercle ornés de masques
           de taotie et autres motifs géométriques archaïsants sur un fond vert   The Qianlong Emperor was a devotee of Tibetan Buddhism and had
           foncé avec des tâches bleu et rouge imitant la patine et les oxydations   commissioned the construction of numerous Buddhist temples and
           des bronzes archaïques. La prise du couvercle en bronze doré est  shrines in Beijing and in other areas, each requiring an extensive
           ajourée et fnement sculptée d'un dragon à la poursuite de la perle   array of ritual objects like the current censer. Furthermore, cloisonné
           enfammée dans des nuages stylisés, la base de la prise soulignée  enamel censers were used for display in the Qing court. The Qianqing
           d'une frise de pétales fnement ciselés.                   gong, Hall of Heavenly Purity, for example, has a set of cloisonné
           Hauteur: 68 cm. (26æ in.), diamètre: 47,5 cm. (18Ω in.)   enamel censers decorated with lotus blooms displayed in front of the
                                                                     Emperor’s throne.
           €50,000-70,000                 US$56,000-78,000
                                            £44,000-61,000           The current censer is very similar in design and form to a number
                                                                     of pieces from the Qing Court Collection. See for example censers
           PROVENANCE:                                               decorated with lotus scrolls, including: a censer of smaller size, lion
           Previously in a European private collection.
                                                                     masks, and a Qianlong mark but without a lid in the Palace Museum
                                                                     Collection, Beijing, illustrated by P. Berger, China: The Three Emperors
           TRIPOD CENSER AND COVER, DING                             1662-1795, London, 2006. p. 139, no. 44; another similar piece also in
           CHINA, QING DYNASTY, QIANLONG INCISED SIX-CHARACTER       the Palace Museum Collection, Beijing, illustrated in Metal-bodied
           MARK AND OF THE PERIOD (1736-1795)                        Enamel  Ware,  The  Complete  Collection  of  Treasures  of  the  Palace
                                                                     Museum, Hong Kong, 2002, p. 144, no. 138; and a censer illustrated
           清乾隆 掐絲琺琅仿青銅獸面紋三足蓋爐 六字楷書刻款                                 in Sir H. Garner, Chinese and Japanese Cloisonné Enamels, London,
                                                                     1970, p. 92, pl. 70.
                                                                     See  a  cloisonne  enamel  archaistic  you  vessel  with  the  same  dark
                                                                     green colour imitating the archaic bronzes, bearing similar taotie
                                                                     decoration, in the Qing court collection, illustrated in Metal-bodied
                                                                     Enamel  Ware,  The Complete Collection of Treasures of the Palace
                                                                     Museum, Hong Kong, 2002, p. 155, pl. 147. See another Hu-shaped
                                                                     vessel with blue and green stains imitating traces of oxydation on
                                                                     archaic bronzes, also in the collection of the Palace Museum, Beijing
                                                                     (inventory number Gu00117113). It is interesting to notice that there
                                                                     are also a limited number of archaistic painted enamel vessels
                                                                     bearing the same colour scheme, see a painted enamel bronze tripod
                                                                     Yan-shaped censer, in the collection of the Palace Museum, Beijing
                                                                     (inventory number Gu00117067).

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