Page 84 - Christie's Asian Art Auctions PARIS December 2019
P. 84

           GROUPE DE TROIS BELIERS EN AGATE                          The ram is a symbol of flial piety, kindness and patience. The three
           CHINE, XIXEME-XXEME SIECLE                                rams, san yang, are also an auspicious motif, related both to the sun
           Le groupe représente un grand bélier couché avec ses deux petits  and to male children, as they provide a rebus for san yang kai tai, ‘the
           à ses côtés. Les cornes, les yeux ainsi que les oreilles sont fnement   opening up of the new growth in spring’, which in turn symbolises
           sculptés de manière réaliste.                             happiness and good fortune. Compare with three jade groups of the
           Largeur: 13 cm. (5¿ in.), socle                           three rams in the Palace Museum, Beijing, two illustrated in
                                                                     Zhongguo  Yuqi  Quanji, vol. 6, pp. 186 and 210, pls. 269 and 307;
           €15,000-20,000                 US$17,000-22,000
                                                                     and another larger group illustrated in Jadeware (III), The Complete
                                                                     Collection of Treasures of the Palace Museum, Hong Kong, 1995, pl.
           AN AGATE 'THREE RAMS' GROUP                               88, p. 108; one in the Tianjin Municipal Museum, illustrated in Cang
           CHINA, 19TH-20TH CENTURY                                  Yu, Hong Kong, 1993, pl. 216; a group included in S. Marchant & Son’s
                                                                     80th Anniversary Exhibition, Chinese Jades from Han to Qing, London,
           十九/二十世紀 瑪瑙雕三羊開泰擺件
                                                                     2005, Catalogue, p. 78, no. 74; another from the Alan and Simone
                                                                     Hartman Collection, sold at Christie’s Hong Kong, 27 November
                                                                     2007, lot 1560; and another also from the Hartman Collection, sold at
                                                                     Christie’s Hong Kong, 28 November 2006, lot 1418.

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