Page 20 - Sothebys HK Dragon Emperor April 2024
P. 20


             A MOTTLED JADE BLADE,                      來源:
             SHANG DYNASTY
             metal display stand                        賽克勒(1913-87年)收藏
             32 cm                                      紐約佳士得1994年12月1日,編號88
             Collection of A.W. Bahr (1877-1959).
             Collection of Arthur M. Sackler (1913-87).   美國重要收藏
             Christie’s New York, 1st December 1994, lot 88.   香港蘇富比2015年4月5日,編號2824
             Christie’s New York, 20th September 2002, lot 214.
             Eskenazi Ltd, London.                      出版:
             An important American collection.          樂提,《中國玉器源流考》,倫敦,1936年,
             Sotheby’s Hong Kong, 5th April 2015, lot 2824.  圖版XIV:A
             Stanley Charles Nott, Chinese Jade Throughout the Ages,
             London, 1936, pl. XIV:A.

             HK$ 500,000-700,000
             US$ 64,000-89,500

             It is rare to find a neolithic jade blade of this type, that   成於新石器時代、後經重新打磨之玉刀稀見無多。
             has been recarved at a later date. It is likely to have been   商末加工上古玉器,改形易制,尤琢刀成圭,間或磨
             reworked in the late Shang dynasty, modifying the blade   圭為刀。此刀兩孔均開自一側,因位置不同而知後經
             slightly from one shape to another, in particular from dao-
             blade to gui-blade and sometimes vice versa. The reworking   調改。依加工工藝推斷,玉刀現存形態可溯至二里頭
             of this blade is identified by the different locations of the   文化乃至商初。
             perforated holes, both of which are drilled from one side
             only. This reworking suggests a date to a post-Erlitou and   出版可見數例,玉石肌理與此件頗似,如   Richard
             early Shang context.                       C.  Bull  伉儷收藏一例,展覽於《Arts  of  the  Chou
             Comparable blades of similar stone have been published;   Dynasty》,史丹福大學博物館,1958年,編號18,
             one in the collection of Mr and Mrs Richard C. Bull, included   及 Rafi Y. Mottahedeh 夫人收藏一例,展覽於《Chinese
             in the exhibition, Arts of the Chou Dynasty, Stanford
             University Museum, 1958, cat. no. 18. Another in the   Jade  throughout  the  Ages》,維多利亞與艾伯特博物
             collection of Mrs Rafi Y. Mottahedeh, was included in the   館,倫敦,1975年,編號27。
             exhibition, Chinese Jade throughout the ages, Victoria and
             Albert Museum, London, 1975, cat. no. 27.

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