Page 216 - Sothebys HK Dragon Emperor April 2024
P. 216
In its shape and decoration, the present vase belongs to a 瓶撇口,細直頸,側飾雙螭龍耳,頸項以黃彩地加繪
group of wares produced at the imperial kilns at Jingdezhen 折枝蓮、蝠鼠、蟠桃和「壽」字,具福壽安康之意。
during the early years of Jiaqing’s reign. Wares of this period 瓶身通景繪庭園內八仙和福祿壽三星等向乘鸞西皇母
continued to be influenced by Qianlong designs and were
made by the same potters who made wares for the Qianlong 祝壽。除取其祝賀之美意,鸞鳥在野更有天下太平的
Emperor and his household. The very fine and meticulous 象徵。此瓶施釉飽滿鮮艷,描繪細緻,加上爐分出
painting of the scene of the ‘Eight Immortals’ gathered in an 眾,應為嘉慶初期之佳作,極有可能是為乾隆太上皇
idyllic landscape setting is reminiscent of scroll paintings, 帝慶祝大壽而燒造。
with the yellow-ground design on the neck and on the foot
forming borders for the painting.
The Eight Immortals (baxian) refer to eight legendary 彩,1998年4月26日在香港佳士得拍出,編號512。且
figures popularly worshipped by Daoist sects and ordinary
people alike as gods of longevity who punish evil, encourage 參考乾隆八仙賀壽瓶,收入《故宮珍藏康雍乾瓷器圖
good and help those in distress. Each immortal comes to 錄》,香港,1989年,圖版31。此式瓷瓶,或以乾隆
represent a different facet of Chinese society: male and 年間雙耳瓶為藍本,見一百子瓶,售於香港蘇富比
female, young and old, rich and poor, noble and meek. 1999年11月1日,編號399。
Compare a very similar Jiaqing vase with ‘Eight Immortals’
scene on a yellow enamel ground but with red handles,
sold at Christie’s Hong Kong, 26th April 1998, lot 512; and
a Qianlong vase decorated with this theme illustrated in
Kangxi, Yongzheng, Qianlong: Qing Porcelain from the Palace
Museum Collection, Hong Kong, 1989, pl. 31. In its form the
present vase is possibly inspired by Qianlong ovoid vases
with handles; see a Qianlong vase painted with the design
of ‘Hundred Boys’ sold in these rooms, 1st November 1999,
lot 399.