Page 250 - Sothebys HK Dragon Emperor April 2024
P. 250


             PROPERTY FROM THE DE AN TANG COLLECTION    清乾隆   白玉花鈕夔柄四活環蓋壺
             AN EXCEPTIONAL AND FINELY CARVED           展覽:
             WHITE JADE ‘FLORAL’ TEAPOT AND COVER,      《玉緣:德安堂藏玉》,永壽宮,故宮博物院,
             QING DYNASTY, QIANLONG PERIOD              北京,2004年,編號102
             wood stand
             w. 18.5 cm
             A Romance with Jade: From the De An Tang Collection,
             Yongshougong, Palace Museum, Beijing, 2004, cat. no. 102.

             HK$ 5,000,000-10,000,000
             US$ 640,000-1,280,000

             Superbly articulated from lustrous Khotan white jade of the   壺白玉質,玉白如脂。矮圓形壺體,通體光素無紋,
             most superlative quality, with elegant, rounded form and   夔式柄,細流,圈足。壺蓋上雕一花瓣式壺鈕,四片
             exquisite polish, the present teapot and cover is arguably   花瓣向下翻卷,其葉莖與蓋壁向聯,上套活環,設計
             one of the most flawless examples, with only less than a
             handful of surviving teapots or ewers of comparable quality   精巧,與光素壺身交相呼應,如天造地設,圓潤柔
             in private hands.                          美,饒富雅趣。此件玉蓋壺,玉質晶瑩,細膩無瑕,
             Jade teapots and covers are rare, but the use of white jade   稱目前可見私人收藏玉壺品質最高之一絕不為過。
             of such high purity and quality makes it even more precious.
             If the stone comes with natural defects, the Qing Imperial   玉質執壺本已罕見,而以如此溫潤潔白玉料製作者更
             Palace workshop would proceed with russet enhancement,   稀。清宮造辦處玉作製玉,常因材施藝,石質欠佳
             or intentionally carve intricate motifs, to cover the natural   者,多加以烤皮染色,或加以巧雕,用繁紋縟飾掩瑕
             flaws in the stone. On the present teapot and cover, the
             imperial jade lapidary artist chose to avoid excessive   避綹。此件蓋壺玉質潔白無瑕,匠人刻意不在壺身做
             ornamentation and display the fine translucent quality of   雕刻裝飾,大片留白以展示玉石之瑩潤,使其更加圓
             the jade stone as the principal element. The streamline of   潤柔美。觀玉壺蓋紐,以圓雕及浮雕工藝精雕,呈花
             the body is further amplified by the ingeniously worked finial   瓣式,中間花兒含苞待放,四周花瓣圍繞,其中四片
             on the cover in the form of a flower with well-proportioned   較大花瓣漸漸向下翻卷,花瓣下各套一活環,設計新
             petals gracefully surrounding the delicately carved bud-  穎,極具巧思。壺身形態豐盈、素面無紋,搭配以雙
             form finial, with four petals subtly curving down each
             suspending a loose ring. Impeccably worked with utmost   夔並成的壺柄以及纖細多姿壺流,盡顯文房雅緻,而
             precision, the cover rests atop the vessel almost seamlessly,   覆斗式鈕又以精雕工藝搭配花瓣式壺鈕,素雅中又凸
             coming as one. The sensual circular body worked with   顯幾份莊重華麗,遠觀柔美,近撫絲滑,陳設既適,
             steep rounded sides springing from a splayed foot to a   實用兼宜,誠為清宮御製玉器臻絕一例。
             high angled shoulder, one side set with a C-shaped handle,
             which sensitively articulated with echoing scrolling tips at
             the beginning and end, another side with an elegant curved
             spout, further adding to the overall rhythmicity.

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