Page 258 - Sothebys HK Dragon Emperor April 2024
P. 258


             PROPERTY FROM THE DE AN TANG COLLECTION    清乾隆   白玉胡人獻寶圖硯屏
             A WHITE JADE ‘TRIBUTE BEARER’ TABLE        展覽:
             SCREEN,                                    《玉緣:德安堂藏玉》,永壽宮,故宮博物院,
             QING DYNASTY, QIANLONG PERIOD              北京,2004年,編號25
             18.6 cm
             A Romance with Jade: From the De An Tang Collection,
             Yongshougong, Palace Museum, Beijing, 2004, cat. no. 25.

             HK$ 700,000-1,000,000
             US$ 89,500-128,000

             Foreigners bearing tributes are a popular subject seen   屏白玉,呈圓片狀。浮雕山石嶙峋,蒼松依石而生,
             from as early as the Tang dynasty, when China saw a large   中間大象回首,看向一人隨後托著寶瓶,前有牽象者
             influx of foreigners from Central Asia from the abundant   肩扛長戟,戟頭掛磬,描述外國使者獻寶進貢的情
             trade along the Silk Road that also led to foreigners bearing
             tributes to the court. This led to a widespread depiction   景。此屏玉質溫潤,局部烤皮,工藝雅緻,寓意吉
             of foreigners bearing tributes in a variety of media and   祥,典型乾隆朝陳設精品。
             examples in jade alone ranged from screens to figures
             worked in the round in varying sizes. This particular   中原對外族或外國人統稱「胡人」。「胡人獻寶」題
             motif was one particularly favoured by the Qing dynasty   材早見於唐朝,當時大量胡人經絲綢之路東來,經營
             emperors, as it demonstrated the power of the Qing court   商貿,更向中國宮廷進貢獻寶,於是胡人獻寶情境被
             and continued to be depicted in various jades, paintings and
             cloisonné works produced for use in the imperial court.  記錄於玉板、擺件甚至大型玉器之上。胡人獻寶題材

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