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Skilfully carved with the ‘Three Friends of Winter’, this   蓋壺玉質白淨,淺浮雕巧琢「歲寒三友」圖,展現玉
                             sophisticated jade teapot is remarkable not only for the   匠高超技藝。玉壺器形繁複費工,圓腹掏膛,壺流角
                             quality of the white stone, which is evidenced by its evenness   度等等,均非易事,因此數量甚稀。
                             of tone and emphasised by the subtle low-relief carving
                             technique, but also for the virtuosity of the craftsmen. Due
                             to the lengthy and painstaking process of hollowing out the   歲寒三友,松、竹、梅,象徵文人風骨,無畏寒霜艱
                             globular vessel and particularly the tapering spout, vessels   辛,仍能盛放茁壯。此題材盛行於中國藝術,常見於
                             of this type are technically demanding and not many were   繪畫、陶瓷、漆器,如台北故宮藏一件明代中晚期
                             created.                                  青玉歲寒三友圖執壺(館藏編號:故玉2055),高度
                             Pine, bamboo, and plum are called the ‘three friends of   14.9公分。與故宮藏品相較,本品玉質更為亮潔,乃
                             winter’ in China, and together they represent the ideal   乾隆帝平定回部之後,所得大量新疆和闐玉料而來。
                             characteristics of a scholar-gentleman who can thrive even in
                             the harshness of adversity. These symbols of virtue became   北京故宮博物院藏一柄青玉筆筒,亦綴三友紋(館藏
                             a popular theme in diverse fields of Chinese art, such as   編號:故94060),並銘乾隆御書「歲寒三友」,足
                             painting, ceramics and lacquerware. A celadon jade ewer   證高宗對於三友紋之喜愛。
                             carved with this motif is preserved in the Palace Museum,
                             Taipei (accession no. gu-yu-2055). Created in the mid to   清宮所藏玉茶壺,為數甚少,如原陳設於養心殿一件
                             late Ming dynasty (1368-1644), the Taipei ewer is of smaller   碧玉蓮紋西廂記壺,及一件青玉瓜稜式壺。現今北京
                             size, measuring 14.9 cm in height, and of compressed form.
                             The present ewer, compared to the Ming prototype, was   故宮博物院藏二玉執壺,類同本品:其一尺寸較小,
                             carved from lustrous white jade, a material which became   壺把雕作螭龍式,蓮苞鈕,壺身琢花蝶紋,錄於楊伯
                             available in larger quantities from Khotan jade mines during   達編,《華夏古玉:鑑賞篇:第11卷:集大成的清代
                             the Qianlong reign (1736-95). The ‘three friends of winter’   玉器》,芝加哥與三藩市,1996年,圖版7;還有一
                             motif continued to be valued then, as demonstrated by a   例,壺身飾雲紋,蓮苞式蓋鈕,館藏編號:故103594
                             celadon jade brush pot preserved in the Palace Museum,
                             Beijing (accession no. gu-94060). The Beijing vessel is not   。
                             only intricately incised with the three plants, but also carved
                             in gold with the Qianlong Emperor’s handwriting of the
                             four characters sui han san you (‘three friends of winter’),
                             indicating the importance of this motif to the Emperor.
                             The number of jade ewers listed in the Qing court inventory
                             is very limited: it includes one green jade ‘lotus’ covered
                             ewer preserved in the Western Warmth Chamber, and a
                             celadon jade ‘melon’ covered ewer in the Hall of Mental
                             Cultivation. Preserved in the Palace Museum, Beijing, today
                             are two ewers of similar form to the present piece: a smaller
                             vessel with handle sculpted in the form of chi dragons and
                             topped with a lotus-shaped knob, but its body decorated
                             with butterflies and flower scrolls, illustrated in Yang Boda
                             ed., Chinese Jades throughout the Ages – Connoisseurship
                             of Chinese Jades, vol. 11: Qing Dynasty, Chicago and San
                             Francisco, 1996, pl. 7; and one with a bud-form finial, but
                             the rounded body carved with cloud patterns (accession no.

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