Page 275 - Sothebys HK Dragon Emperor April 2024
P. 275

The present table screen, decorated in relief with the   插屏白玉質,長方形。雙面浮雕,一面雕日觀峰景
                             landscape of Riguan Peak and White Cloud Cave, displays   色,巨石嶙峋,似仙閣矗立,長廊依崖而築,巍巍
                             the beauty of nature through its masterful carving. The   泰山,氣勢不凡,右上方刻:「御題日觀峰。居高攬
                             scenery of Mount Tai must have made a stunning impression
                             on the Qianlong Emperor, who composed a series of poems   遠理無疑,峰頂常先見曉曦。設使海邊立沮泄,雖卑
                             to praise the beauty of the mountain after his journey in 1771.   應更早於斯。」。另一面雕山體挺拔,奇岩相疊,奇
 3695                        He wrote not only about the lofty rigged peak which is known   樹影掩,煙雲繚繞,恍如仙境,上方刻:「御題白雲
                             for its scenic view at sunrise, but also the misty enigmatic   洞。氤氳觸石氣成蒸,此意當知別有應。一片常教封
 PROPERTY FROM THE DE AN TANG COLLECTION  清乾隆      cave, the entrance of which is often secluded by clouds.  洞口,金泥玉檢未容登。」
 A GILT-INSCRIBED WHITE JADE ‘RIGUAN   白玉「御題日觀峰」及「御題白雲洞」座屏
 PEAK’ TABLE SCREEN,                                                   屏心所刻詩文收錄於《清高宗御製詩文全集.御製
 QING DYNASTY, QIANLONG PERIOD  展覽:                                    詩三集》,卷96,頁6-7,時為乾隆三十六年(1771
 29.6 by 21.8 cm                                                       年),乾隆奉皇太后自圓明園啟鑾巡幸山東,登泰山
 A Romance with Jade: From the De An Tang Collection,
 Yongshougong, Palace Museum, Beijing, 2004, cat. no. 63.
 HK$ 600,000-1,200,000
 US$ 77,000-154,000

 Another view
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