Page 50 - Sothebys HK Dragon Emperor April 2024
P. 50


             PROPERTY FROM AN IMPORTANT COLLECTION      北魏   陽曲護軍虎符一組
             AN INSCRIBED BRONZE ‘YANGQU HUJUN’         銘文:
             TIGER TALLY SET,                           皇帝與陽曲護軍銅虎符第三
             NORTHERN WEI DYNASTY                       陽曲護軍
             the spine inscribed with a twelve-character inscription   銅虎符左/銅虎符右
             reading Huangdi yu Yangqu Hujun tong hufu di san (‘the
             Emperor bestows the Protector of the Yangqu Army bronze   來源:
             tiger tally, number three’), on the chest on each side with   盧芹齋,巴黎
             Yangqu hujun (‘the Protector of the Yangqu Army’), and on
             both halves of the underside with tong hufu you and tong   大維威爾(1871-1952年)收藏,巴黎,收藏編號
             hufu zuo respectively, designating the pieces as ‘bronze tiger   D.W. 3049.1及3049.2
             tally, right’ and ‘left’                   巴黎蘇富比2015年12月16日,編號51
             9.6 cm
             PROVENANCE                                 羅振玉,《增訂歷代符牌圖錄》,北京,1925年,頁
             C.T. Loo & Cie, Paris.                     16(線圖)
             Collection of David David-Weill (1871-1952), Paris, coll. nos   羅振玉,〈後魏博陵太守等八虎符拓本跋〉,《松翁
             D.W. 3049.1 and 3049.2.                    近稿補遺》,北京,1925-27年(虎符論及)
             Sotheby’s Paris, 16th December 2015, lot 51.
             LITERATURE                                 究所,台北
             Luo Zhenyu, Zengding Lidai fupai tulu [Addition to the   拓本或載於柯昌泗,《謐齋金文拓本》,中央研究院
             Catalogue of official symbols of credentials from past   歷史語言研究所,台北
             dynasties], Beijing, 1925, p. 16 (line drawing).   喜仁龍,《中國早期藝術史》,卷2,巴黎及布魯塞
             Luo Zhenyu, ‘HouWei Boling Taishou deng ba hufu taben   爾,1929-30年,圖版118B(上)(虎符圖)
             ba’ [Epilogue on the eight tiger tallies of the Later Wei
             dynasty], Songweng jingao buyi, Beijing, 1925-27 (tally   馬衡,〈北魏虎符跋〉,《凡將齋金石叢稿》,北
             discussed).                                京,1977年,頁128-9(虎符論及)
             Possibly illustrated in Yiqi quanxing ta, Institute of History   楊桂梅及賈楠,〈兩晉南北朝虎符考〉,《中國國
             and Philology, Academia Sinica, Taipei (rubbing).   家博物館館刊》,238期,2023年第5期,頁68,圖18
             Possibly illustrated in Ke Changsi, Mizhai jinwen taben   (線圖)
             [Rubbings of bronze inscriptions from Mizhai], Institute of
             History and Philology, Academia Sinica, Taipei (rubbing).
             Osvald Sirén, Histoire des Arts anciens de la Chine, vol. II:
             L’époque Han et les Six Dynasties, Paris and Brussels, 1929-
             30, pl. 118B (top) (tally illustrated).
             Ma Heng, ‘BeiWei hufu ba’ [Epilogue on Northern Wei tiger
             tally], Fanjiangzhai jinshi conggao, Beijing, 1977, pp. 128-9
             (tally discussed).
             Yang Guimei and Jia Nan, ‘A Research on the tiger-shaped
             tallies of the Jin and the Southern and Northern dynasties’,
             Journal of National Museum of China, vol. 238, 2023(5), p.
             68, fig. 18 (line drawing).

             HK$ 2,000,000-3,000,000
             US$ 256,000-384,000

                                                                                                Inscription on the spine
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